Court Procedures Economics Basic Economics Economic Systems Supply and Demand
-Court hearing when a defendant issues their plea of guilty or not-guilty. Row Question
Arraignment Row Answer
-Process where a defendant agrees to plead guilty in order to receive a lighter punishment. Row Question
-Plea Bargaining Row Answer
-Legal term for the people who represent the government in a criminal case. Row Question
-Prosecution Row Answer
-Term that refers to the questioning of a witness by the attorney on the opposing side with the intent of discrediting that witnesses testimony. Row Question
-Cross-Examination Row Answer
-People who are not yet of age to be considered an adult. Row Question
-Juveniles Row Answer
-Idea that there is not enough of a product for everyone to have and this fact causes goods to have a price that determines who is willing to pay for that product. Row Question
-Scarcity Row Answer
-Value assigned to a product according to the forces of supply and demand for that product. Row Question
-Price Row Answer
Row Question -Economic idea that suppliers will supply more of a product as the price for that product increases.
-Law of Supply Row Answer
Row Question -Economic idea that buyers will demand more of a product as price decreases.
-Law of Demand Row Answer
-Point where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect, creating the value of a product. Row Question
-Equilibrium Row Answer
-Situation when demand is greater than the supply of a product---price will usually increase. Row Question
-Shortage Row Answer
-Situation when supply is greater than demand---price will usually decrease. Row Question
-Surplus Row Answer
-Idea that a person’s demand for a product will reach a maximum no matter the price. Row Question
-Diminishing Utility Row Answer
-Idea that a supplier will reach a point when increased production will not increase profits. Row Question
-Diminishing Returns Row Answer
-Economic term for the amount of work produced in a given amount of time.—Increased productivity causes prices to decrease and fights inflation. Row Question
-Productivity Row Answer
-Term describing the situation when one nation produces a product better or cheaper than other nations. Row Question
-Comparative Advantage Row Answer
-Idea of dividing labor into individual tasks in order to increase productivity. Row Question
-Division of Labor Row Answer
-Economic idea that a larger business can operate at a more efficient rate because of its bulk. Same concept applies when buying items in large quantities. Row Question
-Economy of Scale Row Answer
-Economic idea that a person loses the chance to do something when you make a choice. Row Question
-Opportunity Cost Row Answer
-Economic idea that you deliberately make a decision and do so knowing the other options would be lost. Row Question
-Trade Off Row Answer
-Land, Labor, Resources, Management Row Question
-Factors of Production Row Answer
-Money used to start or run a business. Row Question
-Capital Row Answer
-Machines or tools that are used to produce other goods. Row Question
-Capital Goods Row Answer
-Primitive economy where almost everything is made by hand. Row Question
-Traditional Economy Row Answer
-Economic situation where the government is in control of the factors of production. Row Question
-Command Economy Row Answer