Gordon B. Hinckley “[Anger]…is another serious thing to which may young men become addicted….With the least provocation, they explode into tantrums of.


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Presentation transcript:

Gordon B. Hinckley “[Anger]…is another serious thing to which may young men become addicted….With the least provocation, they explode into tantrums of uncontrolled rage….But even worse, they are prone to lose all sense of reason and do things which later bring regret….As the writer of Proverbs has said, ‘He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city’ (Prov. 16:32). If you have a temper, now is the time to learn to control it….I repeat, my brethren, if any of you young men have trouble controlling your temper, I plead with you to begin the work of making this correction now. Otherwise, you will bring only tears and sorrow into the homes which you will someday establish.” (Ensign, May 1998, p. 50)

Boyd K. Packer “Inasmuch as spiritual gifts are gifts, the conditions under which we may receive them are established by him who offers them to us. Spiritual gifts cannot be forced, for a gift is a gift. They cannot, I repeat, be forced, nor bought, nor ‘earned’ in the sense that we make some gesture in payment and expect them to automatically be delivered on our own terms. There are those who seek such gifts with such persistence that each act moves them further from them. And in that persistence and determination they place themselves in spiritual danger. Rather we are to live worthy of the gifts and they will come according to the will of the Lord. …Spiritual gifts belong to the Church and their existence is one of the great abiding testimonies of the truth of the gospel. They really are not optional with the Church. Moroni taught that if they were absent then ‘awful is the state of man.’ We are to seek to be worthy to receive these gifts according to the way the Lord has directed. Now, I say that again --we are to see for spiritual gifts in the Lord’s way.” (16 Stake Fireside, BYU, Jan. 4, 1987, pp. 5-6)

Robert E. Wells “Verse 31 says: ‘Awake, and arise from the dust, O Jerusalem; yea, and put on thy beautiful garments.’ Then, ‘strengthen thy stakes’ follows, and, lastly ‘enlarge thy borders forever.’ I could clearly see that ‘enlarge thy borders’ meant to enlarge the Church through missionary work and to proclaim the gospel to all the world. It seemed that I could also see clearly that ‘strengthen thy stakes meant to perfect the Saints through the priesthood organizations and the auxiliaries. And, it seemed to me that ‘put on thy garments’ referred to the temple robes and going to the temples of the Lord to redeem our beloved ancestors.” (Doctrines of the Book of Mormon, 1991 Sperry Symposium, p. 14)

Ezra Taft Benson The gospel is the only answer to the problems of the world. We may cry peace. We may hold peace conferences. And I have nothing but commendation for those who work for peace. But it is my conviction that peace must come from within. It cannot be imposed by state mandate. It can only come by following the teachings and the example of the Prince of Peace.” (Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 705)