Goal 5 Bail Debate Electronic Media Felony Grand Jury MADD Misdemeanor Plea Pocket Veto US Supreme Court
Bail Money that can be paid to release a defendant from jail where they are being held until it is time for their trial.
Debate Two parties have a disagreement and they give their opinions to try to sway the opposing side.
Electronic Media Any type of media that is distributed electronically, such as – TV, radio, and the internet.
Felony Severe crimes that can be dealt with by more harsh of a punishment, such as a capital punishment.
Grand Jury Hear evidence in a case an then come to a conclusion on what the verdict of the case will be.
MADD Mother Against Drunk Driving An interest group that tries to make laws for DWI’s stricter.
Misdemeanor Not as serious as a felony and the criminals can be punished with a fine, probation, or a small sentence in jail.
Plea When the defendant says that they are either guilty or not guilty for what they are being trialed for.
Pocket Veto When the president puts a bill over to the side without signing it because they knows that congress cannot override his action since they are not in session.
US Supreme Court The court with the highest power in the United States. It can appeal cases from all state and federal courts. It has justices in place of judges and sees cases involving the constitutionalism of an acts.
Goal 6 Death Penalty Franking privilege Labor Union Legal Code Mental Institution Parole Press Releases Secret Service Special Task Force “Three Strikes Law”
Death Penalty Capital punishment; when you have committed a capital crime you can be punished with the death penalty in which you are put to death.
Franking Privilege Being about to send mail through the USPS for free.
Labor Union When an interest group represents a large business to help bring workers of the business, and other related businesses, together.
Legal Code Rules set in place to keep law and order.
Mental Institution In court someone may plead that they are insane and that is why they committed the crime and they can be sent to a facility where they can receive help with their mental illness.
Parole When a criminal is released from prison before their sentence is up. They are still serving their sentence and there are some restrictions. THANK YOU LORD!
Press Releases Announces to the public made by government officials to keep them informed about what is going on in their country. MORE TAXES...!
Secret Service Law enforcement agents who specialize in protecting government officials. CHHHHH! TEN FOUR. CHHHH!
Special Task Force Temporary groups formed to research specific topics in order to relay the information to inform them. Magnifying glass
“Three Strikes Law” If a criminal has been convicted three or more time of a serious crime then they automatically receive a sentence of long term incarceration the next time they are found guilty.