The uneasy interface: leniency, disclosure and rights of defence in criminal and administrative anti-cartel enforcement Julian M. Joshua, Barrister Institute of Advanced Legal Studies European Criminal Law Association London, 7 October 2010
2 Introduction 1. Enforcement machinery at EU and UK level 2. Role of leniency in investigations and prosecutions 3. The cartel offence 4. Inherent tensions 5. Marine Hose (2007) 6. BA case (2010) 7. Disclosure obligations 8. Lessons and conclusions
3 Hardcore cartels: the global clampdown Up to 20 jurisdictions worldwide now have ‘serious’ anti cartel enforcement Two main models: criminal and administrative Increasing trend towards criminalisation (led by U.S. DoJ) Any cartel uncovered will be subject to serial investigations across the globe Investigations driven by institution of “leniency”
4 A crowded enforcement environment Uneasy co-existence in Europe of EU, national competition authorities, criminal law systems Pre-2000: European Commission applied EC Treaty, OFT could not even impose fines Competition Act 1998 ‘Modernisation’ Regulation: 1/2003 Enterprise Act 2002 Interaction with U.S. Sherman Act investigations and prosecutions
5 Tensions inherent in European systems Inherent tensions in UK and European enforcement systems EC investigates and sanctions companies ‘administratively’ under Article 101 National Competition Authority (NCA) –‘assists’ Commission in a Commission investigation under Art. 101 –carries out dawn raids on behalf of the Commission (under Art. 101) –investigates and sanctions suspected cartel itself under Art. 101 –investigates and sanctions cartels under national competition law National authorities may also have criminal law powers when national law has created a criminal offence Regulation 1/2003 seek to regulate the EU – national law interface
6 Regulation 1/2003: basic rules Article 3 (1):Where national authorities or courts apply national competition law to agreements with a community dimension, they shall also apply Article 101 Article 3 (2):Application of national law may not lead to prohibition of agreements allowed under Article 101 Article 3(3):Paras.1 – 2 above do not preclude application of national law that ‘predominantly pursue a different objective’ from that of Article 101 Article 11:Commission and NCAs shall apply community competition rules in close cooperation Commission may ‘call in’ the case from NCAs
7 Regulation 1/2003: Article 12 Information exchanged shall only be used in evidence for purpose of applying Articles 101 or 102 and in respect of subject matter for which it was collected Information exchanged may also be used for application of national competition law where this is enforced in parallel in same case Information exchanged can be used in evidence to impose administrative sanctions on natural persons where ‘collecting’ agency respects same level of rights of defence as national rules on receiving side Information exchange can only be used for imposition of custodial sanctions where both systems may impose prison terms
8 The cartel offence s 188 Enterprise Act makes it an offence punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment where an individual dishonestly agrees with one or more other persons to make or implement cartel arrangements of the prohibited kind between at least two undertakings Designed to operate in conjunction with administrative enforcement against companies under Competition Act 1998 and/or Article 101 Leniency at the core of enforcement efforts: s 190(4) Leading investigative and prosecution role for OFT
9 Role of criminal prosecution in UK Highly policy driven Reserved for most serious cases to reinforce Competition Act 1998 Parallel or successive administrative/criminal enforcement Keyword was ‘deterrence’ Leniency to be the main driver of cases ‘Dishonesty’ to play a declamatory role Advocates of criminalisation foresaw virtuous cycle of leniency applications, open and shut prosecutions, convictions, popular obloquy, condign sentences and deterrence
10 Sweeping investigation powers Enterprise Act 2002 confers power on OFT to –By notice in writing require suspect or any other person to answer questions, provide information, produce documents (s 193) –Enter premises under High Court warrant using reasonable force (s 194) –Search premises, require explanations and electronic information –‘search and sift’ (s 194(5)) –Use compelled statements as evidence in certain circumstances (where defendant has ‘opened the door’) –Employ intrusive surveillance Back up criminal law sanctions for false statements, obstruction, etc.
11 Role of leniency in antitrust prosecutions Conceived by DoJ: full pass from Sherman Act prosecution for first company in – plus its cooperating executives Adopted enthusiastically by other enforcers including EC, OFT U.S. has unitary system: companies and individuals all prosecuted under same regime (Section One Sherman Act) Complicated interplay in European systems between administrative and criminal enforcement (and administration of leniency as between the different agencies) Enterprise Act s 190(4) provides statutory basis for immunity in UK ‘No action letters’: granted only if individuals admit their guilt in interview (Guideline, OFT 513; OFT 803) Link with corporate leniency: if company gets ‘Type A’ or ‘Type B’ immunity, cooperating individuals covered
12 Turf wars ? Prosecution may only be brought by SFO or by or with consent of OFT (s 190(2)) Hammond-Penrose report strongly against ‘in house’ prosecution by OFT, favours SFO (Philips principle) 2004 OFT Guidance (OFT 515) foresaw investigation and immunity by OFT, prosecution by SFO in cases of ‘serious or complex fraud’ Criminal investigation in parallel with administrative investigation of companies by EC or OFT OFT has prosecuted the only cases brought so far
13 Parallel civil and criminal investigations May not be clear at beginning whether criminal conduct involved, so PACE will apply from the start Suspect may be interviewed voluntarily under caution Documents seized under s 194 search warrant may be used by OFT in administrative procedure against companies (also CJA 1987) Documents obtained under CA 98 powers may be used in subsequent criminal prosecution CA 98 investigation and EA 02 investigations may proceed in parallel OFT and SFO to consult on timing so CA 98 procedure does not prejudice criminal investigations OFT and European Commission to ‘coordinate progress’ of parallel investigations
14 Coordination and Evidence Sharing with U.S. DoJ EC prevented under Regulation 1/2003 from sharing evidence with overseas agencies Coordination of timing, etc. in EC-US investigations but no evidence sharing (plus ‘pick up the phone’ cooperation) UK criminalisation in 2003 makes available judicial cooperation instruments (MLAT’s, Extradition) Enterprise Act Part 9 allows disclosure by OFT to an overseas public authority to facilitate its investigation of crime or bringing of civil and criminal proceedings: no need for MLAT request or judicial ‘sending order’
15 Marine Hose investigations (1) Coordinated investigations by U.S. DoJ, European Commission and OFT In England, first EC dawn raids on individual’s home OFT dual role: ‘assists’ Commission in EC investigation, carves out own criminal investigations under EA 2002 OFT serves both CA 98 warrants for Commission search and EA 2002 s 194 search Commission carries out investigation first including IP search takes copies pursuant to warrant obtained under Competition Act 1998 Separate OFT criminal team goes in next with EA 2002 warrant and seizes computers
16 Marine Hose investigations (2) Three individuals arrested in U.S. on occasion of alleged cartel meeting OFT shares seized evidence with U.S. DoJ under Part 9 EA 2002 Plea agreements reached in U.S., also involving OFT in complex 3-way deal Agreed sentences of 20, 24 and 30 months; individuals to be returned to UK and plead guilty under s 188 EA 2002 Individuals agree not to advocate for sentences in England lower than agreed U.S. sentences OFT takes responsibility for the prosecution
17 Marine Hose investigations (3) Individuals plead guilty, sentenced at Southwark to sentences longer than those agreed in U.S. plea agreement CA reduces sentences to U.S. levels CA expresses disapproval of arrangement that ties hands of English Courts: “We have our doubts as to the propriety of a U.S. prosecutor seeking to inhibit the way in which counsel represent their clients in a UK court but having heard no argument on the subject, we shall express no concluded view”: per Hallett LJ Case raises several question marks over role of OFT
18 The BA case (1) First full prosecution under s 188 EA 2002 Virgin denounces to OFT alleged cartel with BA to fix prices on transatlantic routes Virgin obtains corporate immunity for company and ‘no action letters’ for executives Dual track procedure BA agrees in July 2007 to pay record £ fine August 2008: OFT announces s 188 criminal charges against four BA executives Potential prejudice of criminal prosecution by BA settlement
19 The BA case (2) Numerous preparatory hearings, interlocutory appeals IB v R [2009] EWCA 2575 Defence claims Crown Court has no jurisdiction to try case with a European dimension Modernisation Regulation 1/2003 Article 3 Argued that Crown Court not designated as ‘competition authority’ under Article 35 CA holds that for purposes of Reg 1/2003, s 188 is not “national competition law” in limited sense of Article 3, etc. Cooperation provisions in Modernisation Regulation are concerned with direct enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 and avoidance of ‘limping’ agreements: issue unlikely to arise under s 188 prosecution
20 The BA case (3) Extensive disclosure obligations in criminal prosecution Tension between BA’s administrative settlement and defence rights of individuals in criminal case Tensions with administration of OFT leniency programme Tensions between individual VA witnesses and company situation Tension between OFT role as civil investigator, grantor of immunity and criminal prosecutor Tensions between OFT, DoJ and EC ‘confidentiality’ provisions
21 The BA case (4) Judgement of Owen J of 7 December 2009 (unreported) Core issue: disclosure under Criminal Procedure & Investigations Act 1996 AG’s disclosure Guidelines (Revised 2005) –Where third party may have material reasonably capable of undermining prosecution case or assisting accused’s case, prosecutor to take appropriate steps to obtain material –May have to secure witness summons in appropriate case Owen J holds –Immunity applicants under duty of continuing and complete cooperation –OFT may revoke immunity if not satisfied cooperation is being maintained and may expect undertaking to waive privilege –OFT has overriding duty to deal fairly with defence and should press for disclosure, including a.Privileged material b.Material from non-witness VAA employees –Duty extends to relevant material in possession of agencies in other jurisdictions (DoJ) –Quid, the European Commission?
22 The BA case (5) Trial begins on 14 April 2010: more ‘incidents’ OFT has farmed out prosecution disclosure obligations to immunity applicant’s lawyers 70,000 ‘new’ s appear: the last straw One appears to undermine main plank of prosecution opening On 10 May prosecution offers no evidence, four accused are acquitted on judicial direction BA says it wants its money back Virgin in turn denounced by Cathay Pacific
23 The BA case (5) Whole process skewed by leniency Excessive reliance on immunity applicant and its lawyers for disclosure? Excessive deference to immunity applicants? The role of dishonesty: admissions and no action letters Interface between administrative enforcement and criminal trial: prejudice?
24 Conclusions Jurisdictional issues clarified: cartel offence prosecutions outside EU regulatory framework Unresolved tensions between administrative and criminal enforcement processes Jurisdictional tensions with U.S. enforcement Disclosure in particular a battleground Role of OFT called into question
25 Reconstruction of an OFT – Commission dawn raid