Job Seeking Skills Participate in a job interview
Arrange for an Interview Name and Position of the interviewer Correct pronunciation Write down information Appointment Call for interview Plan what you want to say Speak clearly and distinctly Explain reason for calling immediately Short phone conversation Don’t try to sell yourself
Timing is everything Arrive a few minutes early Know directions Be sure of transportation
Conversation with a Purpose Employer wants to find out about you You want to find about the company Let the interviewer lead the discussion
First Impressions Count Look like you are a good employee Avoid dress that calls attention Not too tight, too short, too baggy Skin, hair, nails clean and neat Avoid excessive perfume/cologne Tic Tacs are good Introduce yourself right away Firm handshake
Who Would You Hire?
Positive Attitude Take advantage of questions to provide information Take samples of your work Mention further education Ask about training opportunities Show letters of recommendation Qualifications and abilities Arrange in your mind
Filling out a Job Application Print neatly and clearly Be accurate – never lie Use a blue or black ink pen Take one with you Read and follow instructions Watch spelling and grammar Re read all information for accuracy
Filling out a Job Application Do not leave blank spaces Draw a line through a space or write NA Have previous work experience written down Have names and addresses of references Have education information Have drivers license and/or social security numbers
Do Not Criticize past employers Discuss hours, salary, benefits until close of interview Try too hard to make and impression Be yourself Argue with the interviewer Plead how much you NEED the job
In the End Leave promptly Thank the interviewer for their time Write a “Thank you” letter immediately after interview