NSSC Safety Conference 2007 Victoria Bridge Incident Grand Mira North Cape Breton County, NS February 12, 2004
Victoria Bridge Incident On Thursday, February 12, 2004, Transportation and Public Works, Steel Bridge Crew, had a suspended scaffolding incident resulting in serious injuries to one of our employees.
Victoria Bridge Incident Victoria Bridge is located in Grand Mira North just outside of Sydney, NS Past the Two Rivers Wildlife Park
DEL Investigators Suspended Scaffolding Modified Clamp Victoria Bridge Incident
Work Site Setup Victoria Bridge Incident
Height of Fall Ice Covered Mira River Materials on Ice Victoria Bridge Incident
Weather Conditions Additional Tirfor and Clamp Ejected Clamp Victoria Bridge Incident
Tirfor Winch with Cable Man Riding Bloc Stop Swaged Wire Rope Damaged Safety Latch on Eye Hook Victoria Bridge Incident
Debris on Ice Top Chord Anchor Strap Anchor Victoria Bridge Incident
Bays of Through Truss Bridge Cross members Ladder was Supported on Victoria Bridge Incident
Engineered Anchor January 27, 1997 Victoria Bridge Incident
Top Chord Anchor Samples Destroyed after Incident Victoria Bridge Incident
Clamp Type used on Seal Island Bridge in past Victoria Bridge Incident
Clamp hooked on flange of bridge Top Chord Victoria Bridge Incident
Clamp modified to provide step off from bridge
Sent out an Alert across province Out-of-Service across province: All types of equipment involved in incident until root causes determined Orders to secure equipment directly involved Orders for various records Victoria Bridge Incident
Orders given on: Anchor points Fall Arrest Equipment Assessment of Suspended Scaffolding Systems Inspection of Suspended Scaffolding Systems across the Province Victoria Bridge Incident
All Suspended Scaffolding work done by TPW forces stopped across the province All Suspended Scaffolding components were reviewed across the province Various equipment was removed from duty and destroyed Other equipment was sent to approved technicians for inspection and re-certification Victoria Bridge Incident
Started to investigate in conjunction with DEL Constructed Mock-up of bridge section Experts were brought in for mock-up investigation TPW instructed to do mock-up without DEL Victoria Bridge Incident
DEL Officer Equipment Lock-up Investigation on-going Victoria Bridge Incident
Charges Laid against both TPW and Supervisor TPW - 7 charges, April 04, 2005 Supervisor - 2 charges, April 04, 2005 Victoria Bridge Incident
Various court proceedings starting April 22, 2005 Guilty plea entered by Supervisor on April 06, 2006 to one charge, no evidence given on other charge Guilty plea entered by TPW on October 10, 2006 to one charge, no evidence given on other 6 charges Victoria Bridge Incident
Supervisor - Plead guilty to allowing the use of the modified clamp without certification by a professional engineer TPW - Plead guilty of not ensuring the modified clamp was certified by a professional engineer Victoria Bridge Incident
Supervisor sentence - April 06, $1, Fine - $ Costs - $ Victims Surcharge - Training Program attendance Victoria Bridge Incident
TPW’s sentence -October 10, $5, Fine - $15, Public Education Trust Fund - Presentation at 2007 NSSC Conference Victoria Bridge Incident
Setup first Suspended Scaffolding Committee - March 23, 2004 Worked with engineering firm to design new equipment Top Chord Anchor Clamp just one piece designed Victoria Bridge Incident
Prototype of new Top Chord Anchor Victoria Bridge Incident
Exploded View of Top Chord Anchor prototype Victoria Bridge Incident
Load Testing the prototype Top Chord Anchor Victoria Bridge Incident
Set up Scaffolding Training Committee - March 03, 2005 Did up Request for Proposal [RFP] Reviewed proposals Awarded to New Heights Enterprises Victoria Bridge Incident
Training started in Sydney on July 05, 2005 40 hours of training - classroom & hands-on Sessions:Eastern - 4Northern -1 Central - 1Western - 3 Training completed September 30, 2005 Victoria Bridge Incident
New Clamp Prototype On-Site Practical Training Victoria Bridge Incident
Supervisors took the same training as crew Hands-on experience Victoria Bridge Incident
Simulated on-site conditions Victoria Bridge Incident
Installation of Top Chord Anchors as part of training Use of ladders as part of training Victoria Bridge Incident
All trainees were hoisted in their harnesses Allowed for practical experience in controlled conditions Victoria Bridge Incident
Practical training in Rescue Operations Victoria Bridge Incident
All trainees went through being rescued Victoria Bridge Incident
Training done in 2005 identified additional issues Third committee formed - January 06, 2006 Meetings held and report forwarded on October 10, 2006 Victoria Bridge Incident
Additional changes since the Incident: Created new Bridge Maintenance Engineer to provide technical coordination of the District Bridge Engineers Changed reporting structure for District Bridge Engineers who now report to the District Director Clarified District and Head Office roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for bridge maintenance training, supervision, equipment and techniques Victoria Bridge Incident
Next Steps: Bridge Engineers and Supervisors to develop SWP’s and JP’s as needed Review, do trials, approve new equipment and procedures Victoria Bridge Incident
Questions ?
Thank You ! & Be Safe ! Victoria Bridge Incident