Caritas Lenten Prayers 2013 For the six Sundays of Lent
First Sunday of Lent: Choosing the right path Lord Jesus, e te Ariki, you have shown us the way of truth and light. Strengthen us by your Spirit to choose the right path. Illustration: Tamāriki Ferguson
Second Sunday of Lent: Revealing the truth God our Father, e te Matua, your truth is revealed to us in quiet times of prayer and reflection. Teach us to take the time in our lives to recognise your Holy presence. Illustration: Tamāriki Ferguson
Third Sunday of Lent: Speaking out for others Holy Spirit, e te Wairua Tapu, you plead for us and you stir us to speak out. Open our eyes and use us to strengthen and support your people – with hope, courage and confidence. Illustration: Tamāriki Ferguson
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Loving unconditionally E te Matua i te Rangi, Father in Heaven, You come towards us with welcoming arms. May we too embrace with Your abundant love, those who seek refuge from famine. Illustration: Tamāriki Ferguson
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Recognising human dignity E Hēhu Karaiti, Christ Jesus, all people are made in your image. Kia whakanuia te tapu me te mana i te tangata. May the dignity with which you honour all people change us to stand tall and live the life you have given us. Illustration: Tamāriki Ferguson
Sixth Sunday of Lent: The Passion of Jesus Christ Almighty God, e te Matua kaha rawa, strengthened by your Holy Spirit may we be faithful in following Christ, courageous in our words and actions and joyful in the fullness of life you have given us. Illustration: Tamāriki Ferguson