‘The God of Israel will be your rear guard’ ‘The God of Israel will be your rear guard’ Is 52:12 (Pt2) 1.The Amalekites were actually relatives of the.


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Presentation transcript:

‘The God of Israel will be your rear guard’ ‘The God of Israel will be your rear guard’ Is 52:12 (Pt2) 1.The Amalekites were actually relatives of the Israelites! – Enemy is often close to home! ‘The Flesh’ - ‘sinful desires which war against your soul. 2 Peter 2:11 ‘The world’ – ‘pattern of the world’. Rom 12:2 Satan 2.Joshua had to fight on the valley floor – v9 3.Moses had to ‘fight’ on the hill – V9 Israel defeats the Amalekites - Exodus 17: 8-16

Approach my soul, the mercy-seat, where Jesus answers prayer, and humbly fall before his feet for none can perish there. 2. Your promise is my only plea; to you alone I cry, for burdened souls in you are free and such, O Lord, am I. 3. Bowed down beneath the weight of sin, by Satan sorely pressed, from outward foes and fears within, I come to you for rest. 4. Lord, be my shield and hiding-place, that, sheltered near your side, I may my fierce accuser face and tell him you have died. 5. Amazing love, to bleed and die, to bear the cross and shame, that guilty sinners such as I might plead your gracious name! 6. Poor tempest-driven soul, be still; the promised grace receive; when Jesus speaks, I must, I will, I can, I do believe! John Newton

Come, my soul, your plea prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer; he himself has bid you pray, therefore will not turn away. 2. You are coming to a king; large petitions with you bring, for his grace and power are such, none can ever ask too much. 3. With my burden I begin: Lord, remove this load of sin; let your blood, for sinners spilt, set my conscience free from guilt. 4. Lord, I come to you for rest, be my heart’s most welcome guest; there your blood-bought right maintain and without a rival reign. 5. While I am a pilgrim here, let your love my spirit cheer; as my guide, my guard, my friend, lead me to my journey’s end. 6. Show me what I have to do; every hour my strength renew; let me live a life of faith; let me die your people’s death. John Newton

Jesus, O sovereign Lord of all, the same throughout eternal day, hear now your weakest followers call, and teach us how we ought to pray: pour out your prayer-inspiring grace and stir us up to seek your face. 2. We cannot think a gracious thought, we cannot feel a good desire, till you, who called a world from nought, the power into our hearts inspire; and then we in your Spirit groan, and then we give you back your own. 3. Jesus, regard the common need of all your tempted followers here, and answer us as now we plead and send us down the Counsellor: implant your Spirit in our heart, a life of constant prayer to impart. 4. To help our soul’s infirmity, to heal your sin-sick people’s care, respond to our repeated plea and make our hearts a house of prayer: the promised Intercessor give, and let us now yourself receive. Charles Wesley

There is an eye that never sleeps beneath the wing of night; there is an ear that never shuts when sink the beams of light. 2. There is an arm that never tires when human strength gives way; there is a love which never fails when earthly loves decay. 3. That eye is fixed on angel throngs, that arm upholds the sky, that ear is filled with heavenly songs, that love is throned on high. 4. But there’s a power which we can wield when mortal aid is vain, that eye, that arm, that love to reach, that listening ear to gain. 5. That power is prayer, which soars on high through Jesus to the throne, and moves the hand which moves the world, to bring salvation down. John Wallace