ABATE Verb To lessen; to decrease Synonym: decline, dwindle, ebb, recede Antonym: enlarge, escalate, swell, intensify
ABHORRED Adjective Hated; disgusting Synonym: despised, detested, loathed Antonym: favored, prized, adored
ABOMINABLY Adverb With hatred, detestably Synonym: N/A Antonym: N/A
ALOOF Adjective Removed or distant either physically or emotionally. Synonym: antisocial, distant, standoffish Antonym: cordial, friendly, warm
BEGUILE Verb To deceive or cheat Synonym: trick, hoodwink, bamboozle Antonym: undeceive, divulge, reveal
CAROUSES Verb Drinks merrily Synonym: revel, binge, roister Antonym: N/A
CONSUMMATION Noun The last part of a process or action Synonym: completion, achievement, conclusion Antonym: beginning, nascence, dawn
CONTAGION Noun The causative agent of a disease Synonym: N/A Antonym: N/A
DIADEM Noun A decorative band or wreath worn about the head as a symbol of royalty Synonym: chaplet, coronet, laurel, tiara Antonym: N/A
DISCRETION Noun Permission to make decisions using your own judgment Synonym: discreetness, wisdom, prudence Antonym: idiocy, imprudence, senselessness
ENTREATED Verb To make a request in an earnest or urgent manner; to beg Synonym: appeal, beseech, plead, importune Antonym: N/A
EXHORT Verb To try to persuade through earnest appeals or strong arguments Synonym: prod, goad, press Antonym: deter, dissuade, inhibit
IMMINENT Adjective Giving signs of immediate occurrence Synonym: impending, looming, threatening Antonym: eventual, distant, far-off
IMPORTUNED Verb Insistently begged Synonym: entreat, plead, pray Antonym: oblige, conciliate
OBSCURE Adjective Having an intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning Synonym: cryptic, nebulous, murky, mystic Antonym: clear, obvious, unequivocal
PERDITION Noun The place of punishment for the wicked after death Synonym: Hell Antonym: Heaven
PRECEPT Noun Rule or principle Synonym: N/A Antonym: N/A
PRIVY Adjective Not known or meant to be known by the general populace; made participant in secret Synonym: confidential, intimate, secret Antonym: common, open, public
ROGUE Noun A mean, evil or unprincipled person Synonym: villain, fiend, rapscallion, miscreant Antonym: innocent, saint, hero
SATIRICAL Adjective Marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings Synonym: biting, mocking, acerbic, barbed Antonym: gentle, mild, cordial, affable
TREACHERY Noun The act or fact of violating the trust or confidence of another; willful betrayal of trust Synonym: deception, disloyalty, perfidy Antonym: allegiance, devotion, fealty
USURP Verb To take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right Synonym: seize, confiscate, commandeer Antonym: N/A
VISAGE Noun The face or facial expression of a person Synonym: countenance, expression Antonym: N/A
WANTONNESS Noun Disposition to immorality or extravagance Synonym: debauchery, licentiousness, lavishness Antonym: virtue, morality, frugality
WHET Verb To sharpen; to stimulate Synonym: grind, hone, edge Antonym: blunt, dull