Tyler Kendrick Jose De Los Reyes
TrichloromethaneMethyltrichloride Properties ◦ Non irritating odor sweet taste ◦ Very high ignition temp ◦ Easily vaporizes Effects ◦ Large amounts can affect Central Nervous System, Brain, and Liver ◦ Contact with large amounts can cause sores How to test: ◦ No reliable form, but many blood tests Exposure ◦ We are all exposed ◦ Water ◦ Air ◦ 2-44 PPB ◦ 50 or higher is toxic
Chloroform in the 1800’s and until the last recorded use in1947. Later it was out banned because of all the possible side effects
Caylee Anthony
Caylee Anthony: ◦ Was a 2 yr old toddler ◦ Disappeared June 2008 ◦ Was not reported missing until 1 month later ◦ Many broken leads ◦ Traces of chloroform were found in the trunk ◦ Many suspects ◦ Evidence on moms computer her researching ways to kill without trace ◦ Found December 2008
Remains of the body were found near the Anthony home by a meter reader: ◦ Skull with duct tape around it and a plastic bag
Ruling: ? Autopsy Results ◦ Homicide by undetermined means Case was dismissed until further evidence Mom plead Not Guilty Mom arrested 3 times: ◦ Not enough evidence Trail Start date: ◦ May 2011
3/chloroform-in-trunk/ 04/news/caylee04_1_chloroform-casey- anthony-anthony-parents 04E0AAA96D846ABC09F35/Chloroform%20Fact% 20Sheet.pdf m/~wynkoop/webdocs/newsweek.htm usa.net/toxics/chemicals/chloroform.shtml