Bell Ringer… Grab each court case. Answer the questions pertaining to the case that you were assigned to. Agenda and Objectives: Through court cases and note review students will identify the importance of civil rights in the 1960s
Civil Rights Review
Griswold v. Connecticut Gideon v. Wainwright Miranda v. Arizona Engle v. Vitale Roe v. Wade Major Civil Rights Court Cases
Women’s Rights Movement and the Sexual Revolution A. The Sexual Revolution (early ‘60s) 1. Birth control pill and antibiotics encouraged freer sexual practices 2. Challenged the traditional values of pre-marital sex as taboo
B. Eleanor Roosevelt’s Commission on the Status of Women, Highlighted inequalities women faced 2. Endorsed improvements in education, equal employment, child care, and governmental opportunities for women President Kennedy with Eleanor Roosevelt, chair of the commission to investigate women’s issues, February 12, 1962
Betty Friedan 1. The Feminine Mystique (1963) is considered a classic of women’s protest literature -- Criticized the plight of women with domestic duties who also had to work full-time at jobs that paid women less then men
2. National Organization for Women (NOW) a. Called for equal employment opportunities and equal pay b. Sought changes in divorce laws to make settlements more fair for women c. Sought legalization of abortion
Sought an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) extending same 14 th Amendment guarantees to women Passed Congress in 1972 but failed to get ¾ of states to ratify by the early 1980s Failed to pass as the movement was limited to middle-class women while pro-life groups argued against it
Gains for women , gov’t mandated affirmative action which helped women 2. Several corporations forced to provide back wages for female employees who had not received equal pay for equal work 3. Roe v. Wade (1973) legalized abortion nationally a. Polarized Americans politically for the next 40 years b. Before, states had determined legality of abortion 4. Increased inclusion in the military
5. Title IX in 1972 guaranteed equal access for girls to programs boys benefited from (e.g. high school and college sports) 6. Ms. Magazine became women’s liberation most influential publication -- Founded in 1972 by Gloria Steinem
Women began breaking important barriers a. Sally Ride: first female astronaut in early 1980s b. Sandra Day O’Connor: first female Supreme Court justice (appointed by Reagan in 1981) c. Geraldine Ferraro: first female vice presidential candidate for a major party (Democratic party in 1984)
Other Minorities fight for rights Other Minorities fight for rights Chicanos (Mexican-Americans) 1. Cesar Chavez led the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) and succeeded in gaining improved working conditions for Chicano migrant workers
Native Americans 1. Occupy Alcatraz ( ) inspired numerous incidents of civil disobedience 2. American Indian Movement founded in 1968 a. 1972, AIM seized the Bureau of Indian Affairs building in Washington, D.C. protesting desperate conditions on reservations
b. 1973, Wounded Knee, South Dakota occupied by AIM and Oglala Sioux Held it for two months and gained national publicity Several died and 300 were arrested Leaders eventually acquitted Gained fishing rights and millions of dollars for lost lands
Gay rights 1. Emerged in the late 1960s and used civil rights laws to win discrimination cases over the next four decades 2. Stonewall Inn incident began the movement where police arrested gay patrons in Greenwich Village, New York City The Stonewall Inn in The sign in the window reads: "We homosexuals plead with our people to please help maintain peaceful and quiet conduct on the streets of the Village”