It Doesn’t Say ‘Thou Shalt Not’
Positive Authority Test all things Whatever you do God’s authority revealed by: Command (direct statement) Apostolic approved examples Necessary inferences (or conclusions) 2 1 Ths 5:21 Col 3:17
Silence does not Give Authority to Act 1 Ths 5:21 Col 3:17 Silence is not consent Silence of the Scriptures constrains us to abide in what is revealed 3
Bible silence does not give divine consent for human action Secret things belong to God, Deut 29:29 Inspired Scripture contains all we need, 2 Tim 3:16-17 Do not go beyond what is written, 1 Cor 4:6 Full affirmation and line of demarcation, 2 John 9 4
Bible silence does not give divine consent for human action Do not add to God’s revelation, Deut 4:1-2; 12:32; Prov 30:5-6; Rev 22:18 We do not have the power and right to correctly do so We do not have the knowledge or wisdom to properly do so (Job 42:2-6) 5
Justification by “Silence” Often means God has already said what He wants but man is not content with it and wants to add something else! 6
Not Justified by “Silence” Nadab and Abihu, Lev 10:1-3 (9:16, 21, 24) Saul and Amalekites, 1 Sam 15:18-23 Moving the ark, 1 Chrn 13:7-10 How? 1 Chrn 13:12 The “proper order”, 1 Chrn 15:13-15, 26 (Num 4:15; 7:9) 7
Not Justified by “Silence” King Uzziah burning incense, 2 Chrn 26: “It is not for you”, 26:18 (Num 3:10) “You have trespassed!” Silence of Moses about priests from Judah, Heb 7:
Not Justified by “Silence” Circumcising Gentiles for salvation, Acts 15:5, 24 God said: “No distinction”, Acts 10:28, Plan of salvation: No additions or subtractions allowed by God 9
God’s Approval Comes from the Positive Authority of Scripture “What does the Scripture say?” Rom 4:3; Isa 8:20 Examine all things, 1 Ths 5:21 Use the objective standard of truth that God has spoken 10
God’s Approval Comes from the Positive Authority of Scripture The standard of revealed truth: Apostolic tradition, 2 Ths 2:15 Apostolic commands, 2 Ths 3:4 Pattern of sound words, 2 Tim 1:13 Learned in Holy Scriptures, 2 Tim 3:14-17 The doctrine of Christ, 2 John 9 11
When God Specifies We Cannot Plead “God Didn’t Say Not To” Music in Worship, Eph 5:19 Sing + Play = Beyond Christ’s authority Action of Baptism, Rom 6:4 Immerse + Pour = Beyond Christ’s authority 12
When God Specifies We Cannot Plead “God Didn’t Say Not To” Subject of Baptism, Mark 16:16 Believer + Infant = Beyond Christ’s authority When to eat Lord’s Supper, Acts 20:7 First day + Thurs = Beyond Christ’s authority 13
When God Specifies We Cannot Plead “God Didn’t Say Not To” Where to eat Supper, 1 Cor 11:18,20,33 Congregation + Small groups = Beyond Christ’s authority Work of the local church, Eph 4:11-12 Spiritual food + Physical food = Beyond Christ’s authority 14
When God Specifies We Cannot Plead “God Didn’t Say Not To” Organization of local church, Acts 14:23 Local + Sponsoring church = Beyond Christ’s authority Cause for divorce & remarriage, Matt 19:9 Fornication + Desertion = Beyond Christ’s authority 15
Positive Authority Reverence demands that we listen to God and obey Him, 1 Sam 3:10 Silence as authority elevates human wisdom above God’s commands, Mark 7: Ths 5:21 Col 3:17