The Value of Coins Dr. Beth McCulloch Vinson Athens State University PT3 Grant Funding, Summer 2000
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters A penny is worth 1 cent. A nickel is worth 5 cents. A dime is worth 10 cents. A quarter is worth 25 cents.
Penny A penny is worth one cent. It is the coin that is worth the least amount.
Nickel The nickel is worth 5 cents.
Nickel It takes five pennies to equal one nickel. =
Nickel Count the pennies = 5 cents
Dime A dime is worth ten cents. Ten pennies equal one dime. Two nickels also equal one dime. Or a nickel and five pennies equal one dime.
Dime A dime is worth ten pennies. =
Dime Count the pennies = 10 cents
Dime Two nickels also equal one dime. =
Dime Count the nickels = 10 cents
Dime Or a nickel and five pennies equal one dime. =
Dime Count the nickel and pennies = 10 cents
Quarter A quarter is worth 25 cents. There are several coin combinations that equal a quarter.
Quarter It takes 25 pennies to equal a quarter. =
Quarter One dime and 15 pennies equal a quarter. =
Quarter Start counting at “10” with the dime and count the next penny “11” until you get to “25”. =
Quarter One dime, 1 nickel, and 10 pennies equal a quarter. =
Quarter Count “10” for the dime, “15” when you get to the nickel, “16” when you get to the penny and so on until you reach “25”. =
Quarter One dime, 2 nickels, and 5 pennies equal a quarter. =
Quarter Count the dime as “ten” and the two nickels as “fifteen, twenty”. When you get to the pennies say “twenty-one”, etc. =
Quarter One dime and 3 nickels equal a quarter. =
Quarter Count the dime and nickels = 25 cents
Quarter Two dimes and 1 nickel equal a quarter. = The two dimes and a nickel look a little like Mickey Mouse. The two dimes make the ears and the nickel forms the shape of the head.
Quarter Count the dimes and nickel = 25 cents
A Project Developed for Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) By Dr. Beth McCulloch Vinson Athens State University, School of Education