How does the euro reflect the cultures of the EU-member states? Workshop for the Students of the Comenius-Project „ISTEPEC” (Preapering students in international group for the European Citizenship) Kecskemét Leaders of the workshop: Brigitte Hager (Mag.) and Sarolta Lipóczi (PhD) Authors of the teaching material: The Euro and the cultures Department for Modern Languages Teacher Training Faculty of Kecskemét College
Introduction of the topic In the frame of this workshop we have to answer the question „How to see the others and how the others see as.” Working on this topic I won’t to focus on the general characteristic of each country, rather than the cultures of them. It means, the countries can be characterised through their cultures. We can have a very good means to talk about the culture: it is the euro and cent coins, because they reflect the cultures of the member states. Bevor we start to work with the euro we have to make some tasks. Tasks 1. Please choose two countries which you now and write the important words about it which express the characteristic of the country. You can drow some pictures us well. 2. Put your results on the board and explane them to us.
Work with the euro and cent coins Important informations about the euro The cross boundaries European currency, the Euro, is not only connected to the idea of European unification, but it is also closely connected to the cultures of the countries. Thus introducing the Euro is considered to be not merely an economic measure but a cultural one as well. The Countries of the Euro Zone The Euro has been introduced in 15 countries so far. Of these 12 countries are members of the European Union. Three more countries which are not yet EU member have also introduced the Euro. The countries that joined in 2004 may introduce the Euro in several years’ time – when they have met the required terms. Task Show on the map of Europe please, which countries belong to and which countries don’t to the Euro Zone.
The front side of the Euro and Cent Coins The front side of the Euro coins was designed by the Belgian Luc Luycx. The coins can not be forged and they are not allergenic. There are 8 different Euro and cent coins, the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and the 1 and 2 Euro coins. The front side of the Euro and cent coins are uniform in all the countries. The other, so-called national side fits the historical, cultural traditions and values of each member state. The front side of the Euro coins was designed by the Belgian Luc Luycx. The coins can not be forged and they are not allergenic. There are 8 different Euro and cent coins, the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 cents and the 1 and 2 Euro coins. The front side of the Euro and cent coins are uniform in all the countries. The other, so-called national side fits the historical, cultural traditions and values of each member state.
On the front sides of the three small coins you can find miniature maps of the countries of the European Union, surrounded by other countries of the world. E.g.: 1 cent coin. The front sides of the three middle coins show the European Union created by the amalgamation of nations. E.g.: 10 cent coin. The two big coins show the European Union without boundaries. E.g.: 2 Euro coin.
On the front sides of the three small coins you can find miniature maps of the countries of the European Union, surrounded by other countries of the world. E.g.: 1 cent coin. The front sides of the three middle coins show the European Union created by the amalgamation of nations. E.g.: 10 cent coin. The two big coins show the European Union without boundaries. E.g.: 2 Euro coin.
On the front sides of the three small coins you can find miniature maps of the countries of the European Union, surrounded by other countries of the world. E.g.: 1 cent coin.
The front sides of the three middle coins show the European Union created by the amalgamation of nations. E.g.: 10 cent coin.
The two big coins show the European Union without boundaries. E.g.: 2 Euro coin. The two big coins show the European Union without boundaries. E.g.: 2 Euro coin.
The “National” Sides of the Euro and Cent Coins The reverse sides of the Euro and cent coins symbolize the national culture of the member countries. The decisions for this were made diversely. In Greece the Minister of Economy and the Managing Director of the National Bank of Greece chose what to put on the national side of the Greek Euro and cent coins. In Italy the largest television channel, RAI 1 introduced the possible choices to the viewers and it was up to the people to chose. In Austria the people were asked to express their opinions about the motifs chosen by a governmental body. In Ireland and Spain the government and the prime minister chose the final versions. In Finland, Holland and Luxembourg artists were charged with designing what should be put on the Euro and cent coins. In Belgium, Germany, France and Portugal a jury consisting of members of the governments, artists and numismatist chose from several designs of the motifs to be shown on the national side of the given countries.
Tasks Would you like to introduce us please the euro and cent coins from your own country? It is fallowed information for France and Italian Students of the workshop:
The French Euro and Cent Coins A hexagonally arranged thuya can be found on the 2 and 1 Euro coins, surrounded by the motto of the French Revolution. The thuya is the symbol for life, constancy and accession. The 50, 20 and 10 cent coins feature the symbol of modern France, the sowing woman. The 5, 2 and 1 cent coins show the head of Marianne. (Marianne is the symbol of the strong and independent woman, the symbol of the 1789 French Revolution. Marianne was also the name of the French Revolution, in the memory of a secret republican alliance which wanted to overthrow the second empire.)
The Italian Euro and Cent Coins The Italian Euro-coins are each decorated with a different motif. On the 2 Euro coin the portrait of the famous Renaissance poet and writer Dante Alighieri can be seen after Raphael’s painting in the Vatican. The 1 Euro coin features Leonardo da Vinci’s famous drawing about the ideal proportions of the human body. Leonardo da Vinci’s piece of art originates back to , and it can be seen in the Academic Gallery in Florence. The 50 cent coin features the equestrian statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. The statue is in Rome.
The 20 cent coin features the well- known futuristic figure by Umberto Boccioni. A female head symbolizing Venus from the painting The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli can be seen on the back side of the 10 cent coin ( ). The 5 cent coin features the famous Coliseum in Rome, the onetime scene of gladiator duels. Emperor Vespasian started to build it in 75 B.C. and Emperor Titus finished the construction around 80 A.D. The drawing of two other buildings can be found on the 2 and 1 cent coins. The previous features the lighthouse “Mole Antonelliana” from 1863 and the latter features the castle “Castel del Monte”.
Question What else could be put on the back of the French Euro coins? What is to take into consideration when choosing the motifs? Task You get a copy of all euro and cent coins made from paper. Match the coins to the country, they belong to, please. Which euro and cent coins do you know? Introduce them to as, please.