Who: Italian allies What: Denarius of Italia When: 91–88 B.C. Where: Italy 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Who: Italian allies What: Denarius of Italia When: 91–88 B.C. Where: Italy 1

Who: Gaius Julius Caesar What: Bust of Caesar When: Late Republic Where: Italy

Who: Brutus et al What: Eid Mar coin When: Late Republic Where: Italy

Who: Augustus What: Coin When: Early Empire Where: Italy

Who: Marcus Agrippa What: Coin When: early Empire Where: Italy

6 Who: Augustus What: Prima Porta Augustus When: After AD 14 Where: Prima Porta Italy

7 Who: Augustus What: Statue as priest When: Early Empire Where: Rome

8 Who: Augustus and Mussolini What: Temple of Mars Ultor When: Early Empire Where: Forum of Augustus

9 Who: Augustus What: Ara Pacis Augustae When: 13 – 9 BC Where: Rome

10 Who: Augustus What: Tomb of Eurysaces When: Late 1 st C BC Where: Rome

11 Who: Cestius and “Fritz” What: Tomb of Cestius When: Early Empire Where: Rome

Who: Augustus What: Coin with altar When: Early Empire Where: Ephesus

Who: Tiberius What: Gemma Augustea When: AD Where: Italy

14 Who: Tiberius What: Statue of Tiberius When: AD Where: Italy

Who: Tiberius What: Polyphemus Group When: AD Where: Sperlonga, Italy

Who: Caligula What: Coin When: AD Where: Rome

Who: Macro What: Amphitheater When: AD Where: Alba Fucens

Who: Caligula What: St. Peter’s Square When: AD Where: The Vatican

Who: Claudius What: Gold coin When: AD Where: Rome

Who: Claudius What: Statue When: AD Where: Rome

Who: Tiberius What: Augustales inscription When: AD Where: Italy

22 Who: Romans What: Temples of Largo Argentina When: Republic Where: Rome

23 Who: Romans What: Temple of Portunus When: Republic Where: Rome

24 Who: Romans What: “Round temple” When: Republic Where: Rome

25 Who: Romans What: Insulae When: Empire Where: Ostia

26 Who: Romans What: Palatine Hill and Circus Maximus When: Empire Where: Rome

Who: Nero and Agrippina II What: Coin When: AD 55 Where: Rome