Coin Identification and Computation By Myesha Robertson
Coin Song Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter that’s the way it goes. Penny, Nickel, Dime Quarter everybody knows. A penny is one cent A nickel is five A dime is ten A quarter’s twenty five! (Repeat as many times as needed)
Coin Recognition Penny ($0.01) Nickel ($0.05)
Coin Recognition Dime ($0.10) Quarter ($0.25)
Mixed Coins
Adding Pennies
Review: Name this coin
Adding Nickels
Review: How many nickels can you find?
Adding Dimes
Review: Where are the dimes?
Adding Quarters
Review: Point to the quarters
Adding mixed coin amounts
Adding mixed coins
Coin counting Money up to $1 Mathblaster Coin Counting Games Coin counting Money up to $1 Mathblaster
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