Animal Project It’s going to be an exciting April/May in second grade. This week, students will continue working on our final project about animals. We.


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Presentation transcript:

Animal Project It’s going to be an exciting April/May in second grade. This week, students will continue working on our final project about animals. We are partnering with the kindergarten classes to raise money to buy items for the animals at the Indianapolis Zoo. We will be learning about animals and their habitats. Information about our field trip to the Zoo on Friday, May 23 rd is coming home this week. Please return permission slips and money as soon as possible.

Noise Level 1 Monday 1. With your reading partner, open your Treasure Book to pages Discuss the Talk About It. Then, read Bill Helps Geese Survive to learn your new vocabulary words and discuss word endings. Tuesday and Wednesday Get a partner to read with this week. Then, together read, Goose’s Story by Cari Best. Thursday and Friday Finish reading Goose’s Story. Complete the comprehension activities after you have finished reading the story. Animal Survival Materials Needed Treasure Books Comprehension Activities Pencils I Can: Identify the meaning or lesson of a story. Identify Cause and Effect Project Connection Animals

Noise Level: 1 Monday: Choose an animal from the list of endangered animals that you would like to learn more about. Begin using books and the internet to research about the animal. Write down your research on the Endangered Animal Research sheet. Tuesday – Friday: Continue your research on your endangered animal. I Can: Participate in shared research and writing projects. Materials Needed Writing Rubric Computers Project Connection: Animals

Noise Level 0 1. Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2. Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3. Silently read. 4. After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5. Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6. If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7. Record your AR score in your Data Binder.. I Can: Read fluently Restate facts and recall information Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice Computer

Noise Level 1 1. Monday and Tuesday 1. Complete the activity to practice your new spelling words. 2. Paper is in the binder 2. Wednesday 1. Cause and Effect Activity/Game 3. Thursday 1. Review for test on Friday- Spelling City 4. Friday 1. TEST! I Can: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. Demonstrate an awareness of the sounds that are made by different letters. Materials Needed: 1.Vocab list 2.Fluency Book Project Connection: Animals

Noise Level 1 1. Monday – Place-Value Tools 2. Pages Tuesday – Place-Value Notation for Ten Thousands 2. Pages 258 and Wednesday – Grouping with Parentheses 2. Pages 260 and Thursday 1. Review 2. Page 262 and any pages in Chapter 10 to make up. I can: Solve word problems involving coins and bills. Find the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and dollars Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value. Materials Needed Math Journal, Pencil, Calculator Project Connection: Counting money

Noise Level 1 Monday : Coin Count Game Tuesday: Area of the States, Math Masters pg. 340 Wednesday: I have, Who has Money Thursday: Number Sentences with parentheses, Math Masters pg. 343 I Can: Solve word problems involving coins and bills. Find the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and dollars Materials Needed Chrome books, Pencils, Math Masters pages Project Connection: Counting money

Noise Level 1 Monday- Place Value Online Games Tuesday – Place Value online Games Wednesday – Grouping with Parentheses Math Masters page 342 Thursday Test I Can: Add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value. Solve word problems involving coins and bills. Find the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and dollars Materials Needed Math Masters pages, computer Project Connection: Counting money

Noise Level 0 Log on to Everyday Math Online using your EM card. 1. Monday 1. Base 10 Exchange Game 2. Tuesday 1. DIBELS Review 3. Wednesday 1. Money Exchange Game $1, $10, $ Thursday 1. DIBELS Review I Can: Solve word problems involving coins and bills. Find the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and dollars Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card DIBELS Packet Project Connection: Counting money