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Presentation transcript:

THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES Also called the feast of ingathering Exodus 23:16, 34:22 In the 7th month, 15th day Leviticus 23:34 “after the harvest” Deuteronomy 16:13 Preceded by the feast of trumpets (7-1) Preceded by the day of atonement (7-10) All three seventh month events are in Numbers 29

THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS Numbers 29:1-6 Leviticus 23:23-25 Numbers 10:1-10 purposes of trumpets Call assembly v.2-4 Call to battle v.9 Celebration and memorial v.10-11 Work of priests v.8 New Testament applications: Revelation 8, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

THE DAY OF ATONEMENT Numbers 29:7-11 Leviticus 23:26-32 Leviticus 16 High priest enters Most Holy Place once a year Offers sacrifice for his own sin Washes and dresses in clean attire Offers sacrifices for the people Confesses sins and puts on “scapegoat”

THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES Numbers 29:12-38 Leviticus 23:33-43 Deuteronomy 16:13-15 Most sacrifices (countdown of bulls) Live in tents as a memorial Lev. 23:40-43 Celebrate the harvest Deut. 16:14-15 Harvest is a metaphor of judgment Jeremiah 51:33, Revelation 14:14-20 Our bodies are tents 2 Peter 1:12-15