Celestial Events Hag HaSuccoth (Feast of Tabernacles) Greg Killian
Introduction A Why should anyone care about celestial events? A Why use Hebrew names? A What does G-d use the sun, moon, and stars for?
Goal A Improve our relationship with the Creator by understanding His signs.
Agenda A Describe the Biblical Calendar. A Describe the festivals. A Describe the Messianic significance of the festivals. A Describe how the celestial events emphasize the festivals A How should we walk (halakha).
Overview A Celestial events and G-d’s festivals are intrinsically connected to His calendar. To understand them, we must understand the calendar and the festivals.
Connections A 12 mazzaroth (constellations) A 12 tribes A 12 months A 12 gates to the New Jerusalem
Vocabulary A Pesach = Passover A Hag Shavuot = Feast of Weeks A Yom Teruah = Feast of Tabernacles A Yom HaKippurim = Day of Atonement A Hag HaSuccoth = Feast of Tabernacles A Channukah = Feast of Dedication A Purim = ?????
Vocabulary A Mazzaroth = Constellation A Areyh = Leo the lion A Bethulah = Virgo the Virgin A Chamah = Sun A Lavanah = Moon A Ma’adim = Mars
The Calendar A Biblical months: A G-d gave them a number. A Received names in Babylon. A Will be numbers again after we are gathered back to the land. A Associated mazzaroth (constellation) A Related to the sons of Yaakov. Intercallated month is Adar b
The Festivals A The Appointed Rehearsal Times: A Pesach (Passover) A Hag Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) A Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) A Yom HaKippurim (Day of Atonement) A Hag HaSuccoth (Feast of Tabernacles) A Channukah (Feast of Dedication) A Purim
G-d’s Signs A Celestial Events: A Pesach - red moon A Yom Teruah - Bethulah and Rosh Chodesh A Erev Hag HaSuccoth - total lunar eclipse A Purim - 90% lunar eclipse and Hale-Bopp
The Future A Return to Eden - Back to the future, The restoration of all things A Tree of Life A Mikveh (baptism) A Torah (instruction) A Faith A Moshiach (Messiah)
Summary A Where did we come from? A Where are we at? A Where are we going? A How should we walk? A What is the halakha?
Where to get more information A At my web site on the internet: A
Feedback A I would like to have your comments. A My snail mail address is: Greg Killian 1101 Surrey Trace SE Tumwater, WA A address is: