John 10:22-31 Much of today’s religious world is using various means to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I thought we might try something different.


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Presentation transcript:

John 10:22-31 Much of today’s religious world is using various means to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I thought we might try something different and take a look instead at one of His recorded sermons in hopes of honoring Him that way. So if you would, pick up a bible, or start a perhaps new electronic device which will allow you read along with me from

The Preliminaries (helpful information going in) The Feast of Dedication, v.22 Was a Jewish feast held throughout the land for eight days commencing on the 25 th day of the Jewish month Kislev. The feast commemorated and celebrated the cleansing and rededication of the Temple, which took place in 164 or 165 B.C. (sources vary), by Judas Maccabaeus after its desecration by the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes. He (Antiochus Epiphanes), in an effort to Hellenize (make Greek) the Jews, forbade sacred Jewish practices such as circumcision, Sabbath observance, Temple rituals, and even the study of the Torah. But at the height of his efforts to destroy Judaism, he converted the Temple to a pagan shrine, and offered “unclean” (reportedly pork) sacrifices on the altar of the Temple. (Old Testament Times; R.K. Harrison, pp )

The Preliminaries (helpful information going in) The Feast of Dedication, v.22 In 165 B.C., Jewish rebels of the Hasmonean family (aka, the Maccabeans ) rose up and defeated the forces of Antiochus Epiphanes, and then Judas Maccabaeus cleansed and rededicated the Temple. (IBID) The Feast of Dedication commemorates these events. It is also known as Chanukah (or Hanukkah), which means rededication. The Feast is also called The Festival of Lights because of the lighting of the menorah for the eight days of the Feast. (The Jewish Book of Why; Alfred J. Kolatch, p.259) It was not considered (by Jews) to be a religious holiday, or a “big deal;” and until recent years, very little fuss was made over it. (IBID)

The Preliminaries (helpful information going in) The time of these events was “winter,” v.23a; and the place was Solomon’s Portico at the Temple, v.23b. Jesus’ prior interaction with the Jews, vv From these verses, it is apparent Jesus and this audience have prior history. Back in chapter 8, apparently some from this same group of people had sought to trap Him at the Temple, vv.1-8; were told who He was, vv.12-58; and sought to stone Him, v.59. He had also taught them concerning the Good Shepherd and His sheep in 10:1-21.

Some Points (from Jesus’ sermon) Though Jesus (the Good Shepherd) had sheep (vv.7- 15), and would yet have other sheep (v.16), His audience were goats! 1. They rejected/did not believe who He was because it was not who they wanted Him to be, v.26. They wanted a keeper of the Sabbath (one who would continue to keep the law- not change it), cf. 9: They wanted a physical provider, rather an a spiritual Savior, 6: Therefore, they refused to listen to and follow Him, v.27. They were “dull of hearing” Matt.13:14 > John 6:60. And they certainly were not following, John 6:66.

Some Points (from Jesus’ sermon) Though Jesus (the Good Shepherd) had sheep (vv.7- 15), and would yet have other sheep (v.16), His audience were goats! 3. Had they listened and followed Him, they would have never perished, vv But instead of listening to Him, they clung to their traditions, cf. Matt.15:1-9. Instead of following His way, they sought to establish their own, v.31 > cf. Rom.10:1-3. As a result, they were broken off for their unbelief, Rom.11:20.

That was them, what about us? Are we wanting Jesus to be a physical provider instead of spiritual Savior? What does your faith indicate? Is it dependent on physical provision? 1Tim.6:5-9 What do your prayers indicate- more physical or spiritual in nature? Matt.6:8-13 What does your practice indicate- all about physical things, or are these dominated by spiritual concerns? Matt.6:25-33

That was them, what about us? Are we really listening to and following Jesus? Or are we doing what we want and calling it ‘following Him’? Do you realize the Jewish month of Kislev corresponds to our month of December? Think about it: Our text of John 10:22-31 records words Jesus spoke on or about December 25 th … So what did He talk about on what most consider His birthday? Not His birth, or the celebration of it- that’s our tradition- see again Matt.15:1-9. Remember Chanukah/Hanukkah/ the Festival of Lights had to do with the cleansing and rededication of the Temple- not the birth of Jesus; and even it is Jewish tradition, not the Law of God! Jesus never said a thing about celebrating either of these festivals! Instead, He spoke of the importance of listening to and following Him to have eternal life on this day. “Traditions” don’t get us there- obedience to His word does, John 3:3-5,36 > 14:15 > 12:48.

That was them, what about us? We can be like the Jews of John 10: We can cling to our physical ways, and physical “traditions” of religion and religious service, as they did; We can reject God’s way for our own and claim it pleases Him, as they did; And we can be “broken off for unbelief” just like they were. Or, we can listen and follow the Good Shepherd to eternal life. Which will it be for you- sheep or goat? Matthew 25:31ff Certainly, any individual (or family) is free to celebrate any holiday any way he pleases (Rom.14:4-5)- but no man is free to do what he wants and then claim it is ‘serving God’.