Praise and Celebrate “Sing to the Lord” Psalms Especially Psalms 117 CHANUKAH (Hanukkah) – FEAST OF DEDICATION “Festival of Lights” 1.Why is it important to celebrate this feast? 2.Why was worshiping Yahweh(God) not easy? 3.Why was the feast called Chanukah or the feast of Lights? Why two names? 4.What does dedication mean? 5.Why do we light candles during this time? 6.How did the Jews keep the lights burning for 8 days with only one day of oil? 7.What’s a miracle? 1
2 Chanukah (Hanukkah) History Lesson: 1.What does Chanukah (Hanukkah) mean? 2.What does dedication mean? 3.What did the Syrian king do? 4.What did some of the Jews do about this? 5.What happened next? ____Answer: Devoted or set aside for a specific purpose. ____ Answer: Chanukah (Hanukkah) means dedication. ____Answer: Syrian King Antiochus IV (King Epiphanes) was a SELEUCID king of the Greek/Syrian kingdom. He ruled Syria and conquered Egypt except Alexandria. He conquered Israel and Jerusalem and required all to worship his gods. Jewish people were forbidden to worship the one true Yahweh God. ( ) – No Torah (scripture reading) No Prayer and No Praise. Chanukah celebrates “A Great Miracle happened there!” ___Answer: The re-dedication of the temple included lighting the Temple menorah. There was found only one day’s supply of pure oil. They needed 8 days to make new oil. The priest lit the menorah and it burned for 8 days on 1 day of oil. ____Answer: In 165 BC, Mattityahu and Judas Maccabee, Jewish priests, and the anti-Greek Jews conquered Judea and Jerusalem, and tore down the altar of Zeus.
Then came the feast of dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple... John 10:22 ( NIV) ואז הגיע חג החנוכה בירושלים זה היה בחורף, וישו היה בבית המקדש... (Yochanan 10:22) Welcome to Synagogue School Brit Chadashah (New Testament) Vocabulary and Memory Verse 3 EnglishHebrew lettersYour practice here Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) MEM YOOD LAMED SHIN VAV REYSH YOOD Israel (Yisroel) LAMED ALEF REYSH SHEEN YOOD Jesus (Yeshua) AYIN VAV SHIN YOOD Chanukah (Dedication) HEY KAF VAV NUN CHET
4 You are God’s Temple “a great miracle happened here!” You are the light to the world Dedicated to the Lord Talk with God (Pray) Listen to God (Bible) Praise (Sing, Dance, Shout) Draw a picture of you inside the box. Read aloud