FEAST The TERENA Compendium of NRENs & Data Collection from African NRENs & NRENs in Construction Ubuntunet Connect 2008 Lilongwe, Malawi Tuesday 11 November John DYER TERENA
Why? ›To collect baseline information ›Understand what is in place, what is not, advantages, problems to be solved ›Make a road map of what needs to be done ›To Benchmark Progress on an Annual basis ›Why TERENA ?
What is TERENA? ›TRANS-EUROPEAN RESEARCH & EDUCATION NETWORKING ASSOCIATION ›Collaborative Organisation ›Driven by membership ›Task Forces ›Projects ›GN2 – Compendium › Developing NRENs ›Workshops ›International Conference ›TERENA does not operate a network ›GÉANT2 - DANTE
GÉANT2 operated by DANTE on behalf of Europe’s NRENs
The TERENA Compendium ›Annual Survey (eight years so far....) ›Contribution from European Commission FP6 ›Comprehensive Benchmarking of NRENs ›Expanding and Collaborating with other regions ›
2008 Compendium Coverage
Compendium Scope ›BASIC Information ›administrative, ownership, governance ›USERS and CLIENTS ›Institutions and users connected ›NETWORK CONNECTIVITY ›Network size, speeds, technologies, pops etc ›TRAFFIC ›Utilization, external, IPv6, QoS ›SERVICES ›AAI, Storage hosting, Grids, PERT, support, PR ›FUNDING and STAFFING ›Sources, budgets, allocation
Core Network Size 2004 v 2008 ›Scale is LOG ›Increase by about an order of magnitude on average
NREN Budgets 2004 v 2008 ›With a few exceptions, budgets are stable ›Major upgrades cause peaks ›But bandwidth increased by an order of magnitude in the same period
NREN Traffic Growth
Growth of Cross-border Dark Fibre
Percentage of Schools Served ›Varies enormously ›Prevented by law in some countries ›Encouraged and funded by government in others
Compendium demonstrates ›Digital Divide ›Highly dependent on market competition ›Funding Models ›Central funding, user funding, hybrid ›NREN approaches to Quality of Service ›Traffic Engineering v Over provisioning ›Growth of Cross Border Fibre Trend ›Procurement & Management from centre v local ›How NRENs keep pace with demand ›Low utilization rates and headroom ›etcetera, etcetera....
African Participation in TERENA Compendium › Uganda (RENU)Uganda › Mozambique (MoRENet)Mozambique › Uganda (RENU)Uganda ›ALL AFRICAN NATIONS ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE in the TERENA COMPENDIUM ›Next Edition Questionnaire will be launched April 2009 ONLINE data collection ›Contact: John DYER of TERENA:
The FEAST survey ›Based upon the TERENA Compendium Questionnaire ( ) ›European Commission supported GÉANT2 NA4 Activity - assistance to the development of research and education networking in less-advanced regions ( ) ›Work undertaken for the TERENA Regulatory Workshop (2008)
Questionnaire Structure FOR ALL EXISTING NRENS or NRENs in-construction ›1: NREN Basic information and legal form ›2: Existing or Proposed Customer Base and "Market Share" ›3: Network Capacity ›4: Network Traffic ›5: Staffing ›6. Funding ›7: Current/Planned, Technologies, Services, Research ›8: Regulation & Local Telecommunications / Internet Market ›9: Additional Information
The FEAST Questionnaire ›There are many questions (SORRY!) ›We will help you if things seem unclear › ›Please answer all you can
Section 1 Basic Information
Section 2
Section 4 Network Traffic
Section 6 Funding/ Proposed Funding DNS
Section 8 Telecoms Regulation Local Telecoms Market
Summary ›Please try to answer as many FEAST survey questions as possible. ›Send in even if not complete ›Also relevant documents ›Topology Maps, Current / Planned ›Descriptions of NREN, Client, Services, Governance ›We are here to assist, please ask for help ›Telephone ›THANK YOU