The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel What’s the Gospel? Christ died for our sins Christ died for our sins He was buried He was buried He was raised on the third day He was raised on the third day 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
The Jewish Feasts (Leviticus 23) Sabbath (v. 1-3) Sabbath (v. 1-3) Passover (v. 4-5) Passover (v. 4-5) Unleavened Bread (v. 6-8) Unleavened Bread (v. 6-8) First Fruits (v. 9-14) First Fruits (v. 9-14) Weeks (v ) Weeks (v ) Trumpets (v ) Trumpets (v ) Atonement (v ) Atonement (v ) Booths (v ) Booths (v ) SPRING FEASTS: WEEKLY FEAST: FALL FEASTS:
What does the NT tell us? Shadow of what is to come (Col. 2:16-17); Shadow of what is to come (Col. 2:16-17); For our instruction (Rom. 15:4); For our instruction (Rom. 15:4); For training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17). For training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
The Jewish Feasts (Leviticus 23) Sabbath (v. 1-3) Sabbath (v. 1-3) Passover (v. 4-5) Passover (v. 4-5) Unleavened Bread (v. 6-8) Unleavened Bread (v. 6-8) First Fruits (v. 9-14) First Fruits (v. 9-14) Weeks (v ) Weeks (v ) Trumpets (v ) Trumpets (v ) Atonement (v ) Atonement (v ) Booths (v ) Booths (v ) SPRING FEASTS: WEEKLY FEAST: FALL FEASTS: Prophetically Fulfilled Yet to be Fulfilled
Passover (v. 4-5) One day feast (14 de Nisan or Abib); One day feast (14 de Nisan or Abib); Instituted as a memorial of Israel’s redemption (Exod. 12:1-14,21-51), as a judgment against all the gods of Egypt (Exod. 12:12; Num. 33:4); Instituted as a memorial of Israel’s redemption (Exod. 12:1-14,21-51), as a judgment against all the gods of Egypt (Exod. 12:12; Num. 33:4); Typifies the death of the Messiah, the Lamb of God (John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:17-21). Typifies the death of the Messiah, the Lamb of God (John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:17-21).
Unleavened Bread (v. 6-8) A seven-day feast, from Nisan 15 to 21 (Exod. 12:15-20; 13:4-8); A seven-day feast, from Nisan 15 to 21 (Exod. 12:15-20; 13:4-8); Leaven in Scripture is a symbol of sin, so it typifies the sinless life of Jesus (1 Pet. 2:21-25); Leaven in Scripture is a symbol of sin, so it typifies the sinless life of Jesus (1 Pet. 2:21-25); It also represents the sanctification and justification we have in Christ (1 Cor. 5:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:21) It also represents the sanctification and justification we have in Christ (1 Cor. 5:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:21)
First Fruits (v. 9-14) One-day feast, on the second day of Unleavened Bread (Nisan 16). One-day feast, on the second day of Unleavened Bread (Nisan 16). The first grain of the harvest was offered, as a promise of the larger harvest to come. Jesus compared the sacrifice He was going to make to a grain of wheat (John 12:23-24); The first grain of the harvest was offered, as a promise of the larger harvest to come. Jesus compared the sacrifice He was going to make to a grain of wheat (John 12:23-24); Typifies Jesus’ resurrection and the great harvest that will happen on His return (1 Cor. 15:20-24). Typifies Jesus’ resurrection and the great harvest that will happen on His return (1 Cor. 15:20-24).
Weeks (v ) One-day feast, happening 50 days after the Passover Sabbath (6 of Sivan); One-day feast, happening 50 days after the Passover Sabbath (6 of Sivan); Offered two loaves of (leavened) bread; Offered two loaves of (leavened) bread; Curiously on Shavuot the book of Ruth is read; Curiously on Shavuot the book of Ruth is read; Typifies the establishment of the Church (Acts 2:1-13; 1 Co. 12:12-13). Typifies the establishment of the Church (Acts 2:1-13; 1 Co. 12:12-13).
Trumpets (v ) One-day feast, the first of the 7 th month, a long time with no feast, representing the gap for the return of Christ; Trumpet will be blown in the future restoration of Israel (Isa. 27:13; Zech. 9:14); Typifies the rapture of the Church, the return of Christ (1 Cor. 15:50-58; 1 Thes. 4:13-18) and the tribulation (Rev. 8). The ten days between Trumpets and Atonement are called “the days of awe”.
Atonement (v ) The only day of the year the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies (Lev. 16); Jesus’ offer is for once and forever (Heb. 9:24-28) Typifies the day in the future, after the trumpets, when the Messiah will pour upon all the remnant of Israel the Spirit of grace (Zech. 12:10; 13:1; 14:1-9).
Booths (v ) Seven-day feast (15 to 21 of Tishrei); Seven-day feast (15 to 21 of Tishrei); Celebrates the final harvest. Celebrates the final harvest. Double goal: remembrance (v. 43) and joy (v. 40); Double goal: remembrance (v. 43) and joy (v. 40); Jesus speaks on this day (John 7:1;37-39); Jesus speaks on this day (John 7:1;37-39); Typifies the Messianic Kingdom (Zech. 14:16; Matt. 17:1-13). Typifies the Messianic Kingdom (Zech. 14:16; Matt. 17:1-13).
What’s the result of the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel The Sabbath (Lev. 23:3) Partially fulfilled: Jesus gives us rest (Matt. 11:28), but There remains a Sabbath for the people of God (Heb. 4:9), i.e. Eternity