Pilgrims, or Puritans, arrived in Massachusetts Bay by boat called ……………….. a)Maria Celesta b) Mayflower c) Titanic Mayflower
The first year that the Pilgrims were in America many died of a) starvation b) stuffing c) harvest starvation
Thanks to the Indians, the Pilgrims learned to …… a) feast b) annual c) survive survive
After the Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant, they had a good …… a) survival b) harvest c) wreath harvest
The Pilgrims organized a ……… to celebrate that they were alive. a) feast b) wreath c) faith feast
Congress decided to have a day of …………… for Thanksgiving in observance a) annual b) survival c) observance
On Thanksgiving some organizations prepare food for the needy and the a) stores b) faiths c) elderly elderly
It is traditional to make turkey with ………… on Thanksgiving. a) wreaths b) feasts c) stuffing stuffing
People of all …………… celebrate this holiday. a) survive b) faiths c) harvests faiths
It is traditional to decorate stores and homes with turkeys, Pilgrims and ……….. of dried flowers and plants. a) wreaths b) stuffing c) elderly wreaths
Thanksgiving is an …………………. holiday celebrated by people of all faiths. a) annual b) observance c) elderly annual
Использованные ресурсы: литература: «Английский язык». Приложение к газете «Первое сентября» - № 7, 1994
Автор: Емельянова А. Н., учитель английского языка МОУ «Покровская СОШ № 2» г. Покровск, Республика Саха (Якутия)