Come people of the risen King who delight to bring Him praise come all and tune your hearts to sing To the Morning Star of grace from the shifting shadows of the earth we will lift our eyes to Him where steady arms of mercy reach to gather children in Come people of the risen KING
Rejoice Rejoice let every tongue rejoice one heart one voice O Church of Christ rejoice Come people of the risen KING
Come those whose joy is morning sun and those weeping through the night come those who tell of battles won and those struggling in the fight For His perfect love will never change And His mercies never cease but follow us through all our days With the certain hope of peace Come people of the risen KING
Rejoice Rejoice let every tongue rejoice one heart one voice O Church of Christ rejoice Come people of the risen KING
Come young and old from every land Men and women of the faith Come those with fulfill or empty hands Find the riches of His grace Over all the world His people sing Shore to shore we hear them call The Truth that cries through every age Our God is all in all Come people of the risen KING
Rejoice Rejoice let every tongue rejoice one heart one voice O Church of Christ rejoice Come people of the risen KING
may our homes be filled with dancing may our streets be filled with joy. hear our praises
may injustice bow to Jesus as the people turn to pray. hear our praises
from the mountains to the valleys hear our praises rise to You hear our praises
from the heavens to the nations hear our singing fill the air hear our praises
may Your light shine in the darkness as we walk before the cross hear our praises
may Your glory fill the whole earth as the water o'er seas. hear our praises
from the mountains to the valleys hear our praises rise to You hear our praises
from the heavens to the nations hear our singing fill the air hear our praises
hallelujah…hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah... hear our praises
hallelujah…hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah... hear our praises
from the mountains to the valleys hear our praises rise to You from the heavens to the nations hear our singing fill the air hear our praises
Be still for the presence of the LORD
Be still for the presence of the Lord The Holy One is here Come bow before Him now With reverence and fear In Him no sin is found We stand on holy ground Be still for the presence of the Lord The Holy One is here
Be still for the glory of the Lord Is shining all around He burns with holy fire With splendor He is crowned How awesome is the sight Our radiant King of Light Be still for the glory of the Lord Is shining all around
Be still for the power of the Lord Is moving in this place He comes to cleanse and heal To minister His grace No work too hard for Him In faith receive from Him Be still for the power of the Lord Is moving in this place Is moving in this place
Day by day, and with each passing moment, Strength I find, to meet my trials here; Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. He Whose heart is kind beyond all measure Gives unto each day what He deems best— Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure, Mingling toil with peace and rest. Day by day
Every day, the Lord Himself is near me With a special mercy for each hour; All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me, He Whose Name is Counselor and Pow’r. The protection of His child and treasure Is a charge that on Himself He laid; “As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,” This the pledge to me He made. Day by day
Help me then in every tribulation So to trust Thy promises, O Lord, That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation Offered me within Thy holy Word. Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting, E’er to take, as from a father’s hand, One by one, the days, the moments fleeting, Till I reach the promised land. Day by day
云上太阳 无论是住在美丽的高山, 或是躺卧在阴暗的幽谷, 当你抬起头, 你将会发现, 主已为你我而预备 Chorus: 云上太阳, 它从不改变 虽然小雨洒在脸上 云上太阳, 它从不改变, 哈 …… 它不改变
云上太阳 无论是住在美丽的高山, 或是躺卧在阴暗的幽谷, 当你抬起头, 你将会发现, 主已为你我而预备 Chorus: 云上太阳, 它从不改变 虽然小雨洒在脸上 云上太阳, 它从不改变, 哈 …… 它不改变 主已为你我而预备
Hand of Hope
There is no problem too big God cannot solve it There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it There is no storm too dark God cannot calm it There is no sorrow too deep He cannot soothe it
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders I know, my brother that He will carry you If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders I know, my sister that He will carry you
He said come unto me all who are weary And I will give you rest
There is no problem too big God cannot solve it There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it There is no storm too dark God cannot calm it There is no sorrow too deep He cannot soothe it
If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders I know, my brother that He will carry you If He carried the weight of the world upon His shoulders I know, my sister that He will carry you He will carry you, He will carry you He will carry you…