I have seen seen the downfall of satan, glory be to God, glory be to Jesus, I have seen seen the downfall of satan, glory be to God, Amen. When I look to my left, I see satan has fallen, When I look to my right, I see satan has fallen, When I look to my front, I see satan has fallen, When I look to my back, I see satan has fallen, I have seen seen the downfall of satan, glory be to God, Amen
I have seen seen the victory of Jesus, glory be to God, glory be to Jesus, I have seen seen the victory of Jesus, glory be to God, Amen. When I look to my left, I see Jesus has risen, When I look to my right, I see Jesus has risen, When I look to my front, I see Jesus has risen, When I look to my back, I see Jesus has risen
I'm serving a God of miracles, I know, yes I know,
I have a very big God o, He's always by my side, a big big God o by my side by my side)2x By my side by my side (chrs) He's by my side by my side (chrs) I have a very big God o, He's always by my side, a big big God o by my side by my side
It is a great thing to serve Jesus)3x Walking in the light of God. Oh walk walk walk in the light)3x Walk in the light of God
Praise Him Praise Him Praise Him Praise Him, Hallelujah amen
Praise Him, Praise Him Praise Him in the morning Praise Him in the noon- time Praise Him when the sun goes down
Alpha, omega, you are worthy of our praises today, you are worthy of our praises today
Messiah is the King of Kings, Messiah is the Lord of Lords)2x Hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah joy)3x We shall sing on that day, Joy joy joy, hallelujah joy, hallelujah joy we shall sing on that day
In the house of God, Hallelujah joy
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad He has made me glad, I am so glad
Adonai, we worship you, Holy spirit, you are so good, Almighty God hallowed be your name, Your dominion is forever more
Be thou exalted o Lord above all heavens)2x Let your glory be above all the earth, Let your glory be above all the earth
O magnify the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised)2x Hosanna, blessed be the Lord, Let the rock of my salvation be exalted)2x
Praise the Lord O my soul, Everybody praise His name, Forever He's the King Who reigns in awesome majesty
Jesus your name is power, Jesus your name is might, Jesus your name will break every stronghold, Jesus your name is might
He is Lord, He is Lord amen, He has risen from the dead, He is Lord, Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess, That Jesus Christ is Lord
Jehovah, you are the most high, You are the most high God
My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name. Refrain On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand.