He is risen! He is risen, saved us with unselfish love. Lift up your hearts to God above.
Go and tell the news you hear today. He’s alive and He’s with us, the rising sun in the east. Come and share this holy Easter feast.
He’s alive when we form His body in fellowship, when we overcome divisions and build friendships.
He is risen! He is risen, saved us with unselfish love. Lift up your hearts to God above.
Go and tell the news you hear today. He’s alive and He’s with us, the rising sun in the east. Come and share this holy Easter feast.
He’s alive when we hear the word, hear the word with faith, when we act on that word and live it ev’ry day.
He is risen! He is risen, saved us with unselfish love. Lift up your hearts to God above.
Go and tell the news you hear today. He’s alive and He’s with us, the rising sun in the east. Come and share this holy Easter feast.
He’ alive when we break the bread, he’s alive when we share the cup: the food that makes us whole!
He is risen! He is risen, saved us with unselfish love. Lift up your hearts to God above.
Go and tell the news you hear today. He’s alive and He’s with us, the rising sun in the east. Come and share this holy Easter feast.