Education, n.: That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding. - Ambrose Bierce
Outlines; Focal & Topic Sentences In this presentation, we will be looking at organization, outlines, and topic and focal sentences. Don’t forget Graff and Birkenstein’s three ways to respond.
# 1. Write the topic sentences for this paper. I. Introduction/Thesis: While many argue that global warming is a genuinely serious issue, others claim that is it merely a hoax. II. One issue is whether or not ocean levels have been increasing because of ice caps melting. A. Due to global warming, sea levels are rising. B. Sea levels have not risen much, if at all. III. Another issue is whether or not temperatures have increased. A. Global warming is causing temperatures to increase. B. Temperatures have not increased because of global warming. IV. Conclusion
Topic Sentences II. One issue is whether or not ocean levels have been increasing because of ice caps melting. A. Some people believe that due to global warming, sea levels are rising. B. Opposed to these arguments, other people claim that sea levels have not risen much, if at all. III. Another issue is whether or not temperatures have increased. A. Those who claim that global warming is causing temperatures to increase basically argue that.... B. On the other side, those who think that temperatures have not increased because of global warming generally argue that....
2. Rewrite the outline and thesis, topic, and focal sentences taking the side that global warming is a serious problem. I. Introduction/Thesis: While many argue that global warming is a genuinely serious issue, others claim that is it merely a hoax. II. One issue is whether or not ocean levels have been increasing because of ice caps melting. A. Due to global warming, sea levels are rising. B. Sea levels have not risen much, if at all. III. Another issue is whether or not temperatures have increased. A. Global warming is causing temperatures to increase. B. Temperatures have not increased because of global warming. IV. Conclusion
2. Arguing for Global Warming I. Introduction/Thesis: Although some people claim that global warming is merely a hoax, it is a genuinely serious issue. [Thesis] II. One issue is whether or not ocean levels have been increasing because of ice caps melting. [focal] A. Those who claim that sea levels have not risen much argue that.... B. The claim that sea levels have not risen ignores much of the evidence. III. Another issue is whether or not temperatures have increased. [focal] A. Those who argue that global warming is hoax point to records of historical temperture changes. B. The fact that temperatures have historically risen and fallen does not disprove that human pollution of the atmosphere may have serious effects on the environment. IV. Conclusion