Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 1 A. Doing Ministry B. Connecting the Commission C. Galilee of the Gentiles D. Some Worshipped/Doubted E. All Authority F. As you go G. The Nations H. By Baptizing/Teaching I. Immanuel J. Make Disciples A. Doing Ministry B. Connecting the Commission C. Galilee of the Gentiles D. Some Worshipped/Doubted E. All Authority F. As you go G. The Nations H. By Baptizing/Teaching I. Immanuel J. Make Disciples
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 2 Planted by StreamBearing Fruit Prospers Everything KnowingLovingDoing CommunionCommunityCommission MaryMartha Take Root BelowBear Fruit AboveIsaiah 37:31 A. Doing Ministry
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 3 The Great Commission has been separated from the gospel of Matthew and used as a slogan (Bosch 1997:57). The context of the Great Commission is the entire book of Matthew. The Great Commission serves as an “index” to the book of Matthew (Bosch 1997:57). The Great Commission has been separated from the gospel of Matthew and used as a slogan (Bosch 1997:57). The context of the Great Commission is the entire book of Matthew. The Great Commission serves as an “index” to the book of Matthew (Bosch 1997:57). B. Connecting the Commission
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 4 WomenGuardsDisciples Commission Go tell good news Go tell a lie Go make disciples AuthorityAngels/Jesus Jewish Leaders Universal Lord MessageHe is RisenHe is DeadHe is Lord GoalGalileeJerusalemWorld Result Some Worshiped Some DoubtedActs/Beyond PromiseI will meetWe will coverI will be with B. Connecting the Commission Shall heavenly or civil authority rule over people’s hearts?
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 5 1) Galilee—Some worshipped/some doubted 2) All authority in heaven and earth 3) As you go 4) Make disciples of all nations 5) by baptizing 6) by teaching 7) With you always until the end of the age 1) Galilee—Some worshipped/some doubted 2) All authority in heaven and earth 3) As you go 4) Make disciples of all nations 5) by baptizing 6) by teaching 7) With you always until the end of the age The Structure
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 6 C. Galilee of the Gentiles Matthew 4:15 “Galilee of the Gentiles” Galilee meant “ring” or “circle” because it was surrounded by Gentiles nations. The gospel therefore must intentionally cross boundaries to be fulfilled. Matthew 4:15 “Galilee of the Gentiles” Galilee meant “ring” or “circle” because it was surrounded by Gentiles nations. The gospel therefore must intentionally cross boundaries to be fulfilled. Where is the “border line” of your church?
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 7 D. Some worshipped/doubted What was the source of the disciple’s doubt in Matthew 28? Matthew 28:15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day. What was the source of the disciple’s doubt in Matthew 28? Matthew 28:15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 8 E. All Authority SpeakerConfession 3:17GodThis is my Son 16:16PeterYou are the Christ 17:5GodThis is my Son 27:54CenturionHe was God’s Son Shall heavenly or civil authority rule over people’s hearts?
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 9 F. As you go Matthew 10:7 As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Deuteronomy 6:7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. We need to train members to be aware and improve upon “God’s Appointments” every day in the city.
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 10 G. The Nations Matthew 1:1: “A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham.” A “Bi÷bloß gene÷sewß” A book of the Genesis A record of the genealogy A “Bi÷bloß gene÷sewß” A book of the Genesis A record of the genealogy The city is where people lose the connection with their past and try to seek for a new future with new people.
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 11 G. The Nations Matthew 1:2-16: The Genealogy Filled with the good and bad people 4 Gentile women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, the wife of Uriah Filled with the good and bad people 4 Gentile women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, the wife of Uriah Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 12 H. By baptizing/teaching Baptism in Matthew mainly signifies conversion through the Holy Spirit whereby the new believer acknowledges the Lordship of Christ and receives a new capacity and hunger to understand and follow the teachings of Scripture. The most important work entrusted to the Church is to move in cooperation of the Spirit for the conversion of souls, moving the hearts of people from man’s city to God’s kingdom.
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 13 Matthew’s “Pentatuech” H. By baptizing/teaching
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 14 I. Immanuel The gospel begins with “Immanuel” God with us and ends with the promise that Jesus will be with us always as we go to make disciples. 356, All Who Love and Serve Your City Risen Lord, shall yet the city, Be the city of despair? Come today, our judge, our glory, Be its name “The Lord is there!” The gospel begins with “Immanuel” God with us and ends with the promise that Jesus will be with us always as we go to make disciples. 356, All Who Love and Serve Your City Risen Lord, shall yet the city, Be the city of despair? Come today, our judge, our glory, Be its name “The Lord is there!”
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 15 Jacob was the father of Joseph Mt. 1:16 Jacob was the father of Joseph Mt. 1:16 Joseph has dreams Mt. 1:20, 2:13 Joseph has dreams Mt. 1:20, 2:13 Joseph saves family in Egypt Mt. 2:14 Joseph saves family in Egypt Mt. 2:14 Out of Egypt I called my Son Mt. 2:15 The Baptism Mt. 3:1-16 The Red Sea 1Cor. 10:1-4 The Baptism Mt. 3:1-16 The Red Sea 1Cor. 10: days in Wilderness Mt. 4: days in Wilderness Mt. 4:1-11 Sermon on the Mount Mt. 5-7 Sermon on the Mount Mt. 5-7 Calling of Disciples Preaching and Healing Mt. 4:17-25 Calling of Disciples Preaching and Healing Mt. 4:17-25 J. Make Disciples The Path of Discipleship The Path of Discipleship
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 16 Summary 1. The Great Commission appears at the end of Matthew and emphasizes the disciples going forth to bless the nations after being trained by Jesus. 2. The Great Commission is closely linked and explained by the entire Book of Matthew. 3. Matthew 28 brings out the ongoing controversy between the Risen Lord’s right to rule over the human hearts instead to earthly authority. 1. The Great Commission appears at the end of Matthew and emphasizes the disciples going forth to bless the nations after being trained by Jesus. 2. The Great Commission is closely linked and explained by the entire Book of Matthew. 3. Matthew 28 brings out the ongoing controversy between the Risen Lord’s right to rule over the human hearts instead to earthly authority.
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 17 Summary 4. We need to train members to be aware and improve upon “God’s Appointments” every day in the city. 5. The city is where people lose connection with their past and try to seek a new future with new people. 6. The most important work entrusted to the Church is to move in cooperation of the Spirit for the conversion of souls, moving the hearts of people from man’s city to God’s kingdom. 4. We need to train members to be aware and improve upon “God’s Appointments” every day in the city. 5. The city is where people lose connection with their past and try to seek a new future with new people. 6. The most important work entrusted to the Church is to move in cooperation of the Spirit for the conversion of souls, moving the hearts of people from man’s city to God’s kingdom.
Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, The Great Commission in the City 18 Summary 7. The path of Christian discipleship was first walked by Christ and demands a dynamic faith that will be faithful to God in the suffering in the wilderness. The cities in the wilderness need to transform their present suffering in this world and apply it to their discipleship in the New Jerusalem. 7. The path of Christian discipleship was first walked by Christ and demands a dynamic faith that will be faithful to God in the suffering in the wilderness. The cities in the wilderness need to transform their present suffering in this world and apply it to their discipleship in the New Jerusalem.