Sharyn Duffey Service Manager – Liverpool City Council Chris Williams Senior Buildings Officer – Liverpool Catholic Archdiocese Mary Regan Senior School Improvement Partner – School Improvement Liverpool St Oswald’s Catholic Infant and School Second Parent Consultation 6 th March 2015
Second Consultation Meeting This second meeting is being held at the request of parents. Minutes of the previous meetings are available through the school’s websites. Some comments expressed in the first meeting were unable to be recorded due to people talking over each other Please ask questions or state your views one at a time. A request was made for information on educational outcomes from other amalgamations, this will follow.
Educational outcomes for pupils in recently amalgamated infant and junior schools
KS2 outcomes Standards have risen in 4 out of the 5 schools at both L4 and L5 in all subjects. On average, the percentage of pupils achieving L4 has increased by 15% and 14% at L5. Value added scores (progress from KS1 to KS2) have improved dramatically. All of the junior schools were in the lowest 20% band nationally at the time of closure. By 2014 this trend has been reversed with schools now in the top quarter of schools nationally in most subjects. The longer the school has been a primary school the greater the improvements.
KS1 outcomes Standards have also risen at KS1 in 4 out of the 5 schools in all subjects On average, the percentage of pupils achieving L2B+ has increased by 11% and 7% at L3.
Conclusion All of the Junior and Infant schools that have merged since 2010 have either improved attainment at both KS1 and KS2 or maintained standards that were already above national averages. (Two schools amalgamated in 2014 and they will have their first data sets for the primary school Summer 15.) All the newly formed primary schools, that have been inspected, have been judged good by OFSTED under the new framework.
Timetable Consultation Period4 th February – 10 th March 2015 School Trustees / City Council Cabinet consider results of consultation and decide whether to proceed to publish proposals April/May 2015 If approved, Statutory Notices published with four week representation period May 2015 City Council Cabinet decisionJuly 2015 If approved, schools will close31 st December 2015 New school will open1 st January 2016
How to respond You can submit views in writing about the proposal to: School Organisation Team (5 th Floor Cunard Building) St Oswald’s Amalgamation Consultation Children & Young People’s Service Municipal Buildings Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2DH or by Tuesday 10 th March 2015