Guess the Facts a) 101, 128, 199, ( Number of homeless declarations taken – 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12.) b) 407, 766, 808, ( Number of approaches for Advice & Assistance – 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12) c) 131, 259, 141, 239, (No of approaches from single females & males – 2010/11, 2011/12 ) 89, 151, 91, 157, (No of approaches from single females & males under 35yrs – 10/11, 11/12) d) 506, 1365, 16, 142, 826, 381, (No on waiting list, Active ( able to bid). Feb 11 – Nov 12 by band. Priority/High/Med/Low e) 844, 151, 167, 466, 60, (No housed since Feb 2011 by band. Priority/High/Med/Low) f) 120, 128, 73, ( No of preventions completed. 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12) g) 84, 79, 31, ( No of Rent Deposit used to prevent homelessness. 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12) h) 1, 3, 16, ( No of customers assisted to remain at home via the use of our Sanctuary Scheme 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12)
What are the Local Challenges? 23 November
Current Homelessness Strategy 2008 – saw 75% reduction in homelessness declarations Growth in the private rented sector 50% reduction in Temp accommodation use had been achieved.
Current Situation –Approaches from customers has increased –Homelessness declarations have increased –Social housing is a scarce resource –Households living in costly accommodation e.g., TA –Housing benefit bill out of control –High levels of unemployment in social rented sector –Poor public perception of private rented sector
What's new Allocation Policy – to be reviewed Social housing reform – the Localism Bill Welfare reform - Increase in funding Governments new strategy – Making Every Contact count NWLDC Housing Strategy
What does the data tell us?
Nationally trends have risen Local trends have risen Main reasons have remained the same Client groups have changed Approaches for Advice & Assistance has increased Prevention work is more demanding Temporary Accommodation use and costs have risen
Number of customers approaching for Housing Advice – 2009/2010 = /2011 = /2012 = 808
Number of households who’s homelessness has been prevented – 2009/2010 = /2011 = /2012 = 73
Sanctuary Scheme 2009/2010 = 1 Customer helped 2010/2011 = 3 Customers helped 2011/2012 = 14 Customers helped
Number of Homeless declarations taken – 2009/2010 = /2011 = /2012 = 199
Choice Based Lettings Went ‘live’ February 2011 – 506 applications Currently there are 1365 Home seekers able to ‘bid’ We have housed 844 Home seekers Current Policy being reviewed
To conclude, there are some positive signs: Nat Council Mortgage Lenders – 15% fewer Repossessions. MRS extended to 2014 LAMS scheme to help assist First Time Buyers Allocations Policy Review Service Restructure Proactive work commenced £355k secured for countywide initiatives