Coleg Gwent Community Education GWENT ACL PARTNERSHIP Pam Hales Mgr (Community Education)
Coleg Gwent Restructure of Partnership now Gwent ACL Partnership GWENT ACL PARTNERSHIP GROUPS.docx Partnership consists of Franchise Partners, Coleg Gwent Learn Its and non-franchise delivery in Caerphilly, Newport & Torfaen
Coleg Gwent RETENTION/ATTAINMENT 2012/13 R 2011/12 R /11 R 2011/12 A 2010/11 A Blaenau 89% 90%85%84% Caerphilly 92%91%96%94%86% Monmouth 94%96% 90%88% Newport 92%89%88%89% Torfaen 93%85%89%87% OVERALL 92%89%91%88%87%
Coleg Gwent STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS 2012/13 My lessons are varied and interesting 2012/ % 2011/12 99% 2010/11 98% I would recommend the course to others 99.6%99% My tutor regularly reviews my personal goals within my individual learning plan 97%96%86% Tutors are enthusiastic and helpful99.8%99% My tutor is promoting Welsh language, heritage and/or Culture 90%88%59% I get regular individual feedback that shows me how to improve 99% 96% I feel that my views are listened to and can make a difference 99% 92%
Coleg Gwent INTEGRATING LITERACY/NUMERACY Estyn – High Priority area Tutor training by curriculum area held 12/13 More to come in 13/14, including effective feedback and developing wider skills Training for observers – what to look for Prompt Sheet
Coleg Gwent DIGITAL LITERACY PROJECT Working with NIACE England, WEA England and Bolton College Aim – identify models of embedding digital literacy in learning provision Improve tutors digital literacy skills Identify volunteers (learners) who will support learners’ digital literacy
Coleg Gwent Results Improvement Initiative (RII) Courses which fall below set criteria Investigation – from advice & guidance through to outcomes Fully embedded Overall retention risen by 3%
Coleg Gwent INTERNAL INSPECTION Subjects observed: GCSE Maths, Essential Skills, IT, ESOL, French, Counselling Key strengths: 1 Very good retention 2 Results Improvement Initiative – positive impact on outcomes 3 Effective Group Profiles/ILP’s to inform learning & outcomes ExcellentGoodAdequateUnsatisfactory 3710
Coleg Gwent Observation Form Partnership Observation Flow Chart Observation Form – updated –specific learner questions Prompt questions for observers – embedding literacy/numeracy Observing excellent tutors
Coleg Gwent Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) Partnership ILP’s : Essential Skills/ESOL Day Courses/Taster/Lifestyle courses ILS short & full course Short Course ILP (20 weeks or less) Full Course ILP (21 weeks plus)
Coleg Gwent 2013/14 ACL Position Paper Essential Skills/ESOL Strategy Essential Skills Referral Form – monitoring & evaluating ‘take up’ Learner Involvement Strategy Training & Development Policy – Training Approval & Evaluation Forms Partnership Training Plan Partnership Curriculum Planning Curriculum Mapping
Coleg Gwent ACL Position Paper Defines the agreed direction of the franchise over the next 3 years: Gwent ACL Partnership Direction Statements.docx
Coleg Gwent 2014/15 Universal Scheme of Work, Lesson Plan & Group Profile templates Partnership Learner Handbooks E-ILP’s E-Portfolios E-Induction
Coleg Gwent REMINDERS! Course Self Assessment Forms Tutor targets Student Questionnaires Destination Forms Aspire to Excellence Moodle2 Agored - up-to-date units and assessment sheets Registration forms (2 weeks – start date)
Coleg Gwent QUESTIONS?
Coleg Gwent Cyrsiau trwy gyfrwng y Gymreag / Ddwyieithog Welsh / Bilingual Courses