The Victory
Mark 16.1 – 8 The Facts Do we believe them? 1 Cor Does it really matter? Romans 10.9 Without the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ there is no Christianity
Do We Believe? The physical resurrection He carries the marks of Calvary still Luke Emmaus Road John ; Thomas
Does It Matter? If Christ is not risen – 1 Corinthians Our preaching is in vain (verse 14) Our faith is in vain (verse 14) Our witness is lies (verse 15) Our sins are still on us (verse 17)
If Christ is not risen – 1 Corinthians Those gone before us have perished (verse 18) We are the most pitiful (verse 19)
If Christ is risen – It verifies our justification (Romans ) It demonstrates our power (Ephesians ) It gives us our hope (1 Peter ) It demands our loyalty (Romans 14.9)
GOD’S POINT OF VIEW The Resurrection is unique Aaron’s rod that budded Hebrews 9.4 Numbers 17
GOD’S POINT OF VIEW Tabernacle system speaks of Christ Background of disobedience and rebellion Aaron’s rod typifies the resurrection 1 Timothy Budsresurrection BlossomsauthorityJohn Almondsfruit Matthew
The impact of the resurrection – Galatians 2.20 The believer must never lose sight of its significance The unbeliever needs to examine its significance