IHTAS Phase II Project status report- Kilifi 27 th May, 2014
Current status What progress has been made since the previous milestone? – Which tasks have been completed? – What issues have been resolved? – What new issues have risen? * Is the project currently ahead of schedule, on track, or delayed? – If delayed, what is the mitigation plan?
Issues and Resolutions Description of the issue How was it resolved? What and how did it impact the project? – Time – Cost – Other
Plan chart
Protocol Development Questionnaire Approvals January – June 2014
Community Engagement Formation of a CAST(Community Advisory for Studies Team) A team constituted to coordinate Community Engagement activities for the study. March –June 2014
The main objective of CAST being to provide a forum for discussing and addressing key issues and concerns for community engagement from the researchers, community liaison group members, research participants, community members and community leaders.
Sensitization Plan District Health Management Team Facilities Incharges Briefing Health facilities CMEs Local Administrators(Chiefs and assistants) KEMRI Community Representatives
Recruitment Field workers Data clerks Coordinator March – June 2014
Training Counselling skills Consenting skills Data collection tools ACASI system (software use, data entry and QC) Linkage system (data entry and matching) May – June 2014
Data collection Programing of data collection tool Sub study 1- ACASI Sub-study 2- Linkage system Testing Field work (July- December)
Analysis and reporting Project close out report Final project update Analysis and reporting November- December 2014
Looking Ahead When is the next milestone? What are the expected deliverables? Known risks and issues – What is the investigation timeline for these issues? What are the immediate next steps?