Integrating literary quotations -How to quote lines of verse from The Odyssey -How to make a quote sandwich
How to quote lines of verse If it looks like this on the page in the book (page 38 lines ): And as to stratagems, no man would claim Odysseus’ gift for those. He had no rivals, your father, at the tricks of war. How would you quote it in your essay?
Hint Look in your Pocket Style Manual Look at page 118 “poems” Look at page 126 #19 “Verse plays and poems”
How to quote lines of verse Like this: “And as to stratagems, no man would claim / Odysseus’ gift for those. He had no rivals, / your father, at the tricks of war” (Homer ). Steps: 1. Put quotation marks before and after the quote 2. Put a forward slash / where there are line breaks. Be sure to put a space before and after the slash. 3. After the quote, inside parenthesis, put the author’s last name 4. Then put the book #, a period, and the verse lines
Review (comparison) IN THE BOOK (book III, lines ) And as to stratagems, no man would claim Odysseus’ gift for those. He had no rivals, your father, at the tricks of war. IN YOUR ESSAY “And as to stratagems, no man would claim / Odysseus’ gift for those. He had no rivals, / your father, at the tricks of war” (Homer ).
How to quote only part of a sentence In the book: Well, I must say I marvel at the sight of you: Your manner of speech couldn’t be more like his; One would say No; no boy could speak so well. In your essay: “I marvel at the sight of you: / your manner of speech couldn’t be more like his” (Homer ).
How to omit parts of a quote In the book: Well, I must say I marvel at the sight of you: Your manner of speech couldn’t be more like his; One would say No; no boy could speak so well. In your essay: “Your manner of speech couldn’t be more like his / … no boy could speak so well” (Homer ).
Be careful! Make sure that if you quote only part of a sentence or if you omit parts of a sentence that it does not change the meaning of the sentence.
Quote Sandwich Review Context Quote Analysis
Context (introducing the quote) The context should include the speaker of the quote (if there is one) and some information to orient the reader about the quote. For example: When Telemakhos goes to Pylos to learn news of his father, Nestor speaks highly of Odysseus. He tells Telemakhos, “And as to stratagems, no man would claim / Odysseus’ gift for those. He had no rivals, / your father, at the tricks of war” (Homer ).
Analysis (explaining the quote) The analysis should explain the significance of the quote and how it relates to your thesis (how it proves your point). “And as to stratagems, no man would claim / Odysseus’ gift for those. He had no rivals, / your father, at the tricks of war” (Homer ). From this, Telemakhos learns of his father’s cleverness in war. In accordance with the Greek concept of kleos, Telemakhos is also learning about the reputation of his father that he will need to live up to and enhance.