21 November 2002Millimetre Workshop 2002, ATNF First ATCA results at millimetre wavelengths Vincent Minier School of Physics University of New South Wales
Narrabri, NSW, 500 km NW from Sydney; 6 antennas, 22-m diameter, baselines 31 m to 6 km; Traditional frequency range: 1 – 10 GHz (20, 13, 6 and 3 cm or L, S, C, X) Upgrade of ATCA at 3 and 12 mm : 85 – 110 GHz (5 antennas) 16 – 26 GHz (full array) Australia Telescope Compact Array
ATCA site E-W track S-N spur Control room Mm receivers
First light on 30 th Nov Orion SiO GHz
ATCA at 3 & 12 mm – Current Status 3 mm system 3 mm system Frequency range: (1) GHz (2) GHz 3 baselines, 2 pol.: CA02, CA03, CA04 System temperature: 250 – 400 K Bandwidth: 64, 128 MHz, spectral res. = 0.86 km/s Sensitivity in 1 hr: 3.6 mJy (cont.) and 96 mJy (line) 12 mm system 12 mm system Frequency range: GHz 15 baselines, 2 pol.: CA01, CA02, CA03, CA04, CA05, CA06 System temperature: 60 – 70 K Sensitivity in 1 hr: 20 mJy (line) with 16 MHz and 512 channels
GHzSiO 2-1 v=1 (maser) 85-87CH 3 OH (maser+thermal) SiO 2-1 v=0 (thermal) HCN HCO GHzH 2 O maser 23 to 25NH 3 What can we observe with ATCA-mm? Molecular lines: Continuum emission: dust (3 mm) and ionised gas (22 GHz)
Recent Results at 3 and 12 mm Pre-planetary disks around young stars (Wilner, Bourke, Wright, Jorgensen, van Dishoeck, Wong in 2002) Massive star formation in the Galactic Plane (Minier, Burton, Wong, Purcell, Hill, Hunt, Barnes, Jones, Ellingsen, Cragg, Sobolev, Voronkov in 2002 – 2003) Massive star formation in the LMC (N113: Wong, Ott, Mizuno et al. in 2001 – 2003; Water masers: Beasley, Claussen, Marvel & Staveley-Smith in 2002)
1.Pre-planetary disks around young stars
Dust in Pre-planetary Disks (Wilner et al in press) TW Hya T Tauri star 41±4 mJy HD Herbig Be star 36±3 mJy 3.4 mm continuum emission dust emission from disks 2 ATCA runs 6 baselines (2’’= 100/200 AU) See poster by Bourke et al.
2. Massive star formation in the Galactic Plane
Methanol masers = massive YSOs ? CO Dame et al IRAS 100 m IRAS Masers SIMBA 1.2 mm 240 M (Hill et al. in prep; Walsh et al. 1998) Maser UCH II ATCA 3 mm 15 M (Minier et al. in prep)
Unresolved CH 3 OH core < 0.04 pc Resolved HCO + core: R=0.06 pc =33 N H2 =5.5 cm -2 M gas =15 M M vir =120 M Resolved HCO + wings outflows. Massive protostellar core A hot molecular core in G Posters by Tracey Hill et al., Cormac Purcell et al., Peter Barnes et al. and Vincent Minier et al. Res.: 4 – 22’’ = 0.04 – 0.26 pc HCO + Hot core CH 3 OH
Methanol masers in G GHz maser 86.9 GHz maser All masers coincide in velocity and position coincide in space (Minier et al. in 2002) UC HII region Masers
Probing gas/dust conditions with methanol masers Ellingsen et al. 2003, in press Using model by Cragg et al. (2001). Hot dust: K Cold gas <50 K Density: 10 6 cm -3
25 GHz methanol maser in Orion BN/KL (Voronkov et al. in 2003) E
Deuterated ammonia in NGC 6334 I(N) (Wong, Minier & Forster in 2003) Burton et al GHz NH 2 D EW and 86 GHz Continuum + NH 2 D
3. Massive star formation in the LMC
HCO + core in N113 For a virialized cloud, ignoring optical depth effects, M 200(R pc )( v km/s ) 2 5000 M . For constant density, n H ~ 5 x 10 4 cm -3. FWHM 1.5 pc R ~ 1 pc. v ~ 5 km s -1. ( Wong et al. in )
Previous Parkes detections ( Scalise & Braz 1982 ; Whiteoak et al. 1983; Whiteoak& Gardner 1986) New ATCA detections New water maser sites in the LMC (Beasley, Claussen, Marvel & Staveley-Smith 2002)
Conclusions 12 mm system is fully operational and works well; 3 mm upgrade on its way and expected to be complete for next winter (May 2004?); 3/12 mm results since 2002: 43 projects of which 27 in star formation; Next observing session: mid-April to mid-Oct. (or mid-Nov. depending on the configuration) NEXT PROPOSAL DEADLINES : Oct. 15 th, Feb. 15 th, June 15 th (might change to 6 month-observing terms)
3 mm user guide web page: 12 mm system web page :
Phase stability Clear Night, 8pm local time 45m75m120m rms :22º 34º19º b:
4 hours later (midnight) 45m75m120m rms :22º 34º19º b: rms :16º 24º13º