ANL NCSA PICTURE 1 Caltech SDSC PSC 128 2p Power4 500 TB Fibre Channel SAN 256 4p Itanium2 / Myrinet 96 GeForce4 Graphics Pipes 96 2p Madison + 96 P4 Myrinet 32 P Itanium2 Myrinet 90 TB DataWulf 220 TB Storage 750 4p Alpha EV p EV7 Marvel Quadrics Chicago Starlight Chicago Starlight Los Angeles NSF 24 TFLOPS TeraGrid
ANL NCSA Qwest Partnership: 40 Gb/s Backplane PICTURE 2 I-WIRE Partnership: 40 Gb/s Access 660 Gb/s DWDM capacity Caltech SDSCPSC Qwest DWDM Backplane Routers WAN DWDM (tbd) TeraGrid DWDM TeraGrid Optical Backplane Network
Service LayerFunctionalityTeraGrid Implementation Advanced Grid Services super schedulers, resource discovery services, data staging and caching, repositories… SRB-G, MPICH-G2, distributed accounting… Core Grid Services TeraGrid information service, advanced data movement, job scheduling, monitoring… Globus Toolkit (GASS, MDS), Condor-G, NWS… Basic Grid Services Authentication and access, Resource allocation and management, Data access and management, Resource Information Services, Local Accounting… Globus Toolkit (GSI-SSH, GRAM, GridFTP, GRIS), Condor… PICTURE 3 Collective Resource TeraGrid Service Architecture
Ideas for science images LIGO ATLAS and CMS NVO and ALMA Climate Change
Science images Picture3 (teragrid service architecture table) Picture1 (machines) Picture2 (net) Qwest DWDM Backplane Routers WAN DWDM (tbd) TeraGrid DWDM 128 2p Power4 230 TB Fibre Channel SAN 256 2p Itanium p Madison / Myrinet 500 TB Fibre Channel SAN 256 4p Itanium2 / Myrinet 96 GeForce4 Graphics Pipes 96 2p Madison + 96 P4 Myrinet 32 P Itanium2 Myrinet 90 TB DataWulf 220 TB Storage 750 4p Alpha EV p EV7 Marvel Quadrics Chicago Starlight Chicago Starlight Los Angeles NSF TeraGrid Project I will get text by Monday