Visualization and iPods The Sound and Fury of iPods at Duke “… it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” Macbeth, V,v,19
Visualization and iPods What is the iPod Experiment? l Provide all first year students with iPods iPods, engraved, newest generation Loaner, extra iPods for courses Students keep iPods at end of first year l Cost and Credit Duke is an Apple Digital Campus Funds from special IT program initiative Cost publically estimated at $500,000 l Why is Duke doing this?
Visualization and iPods Why choose iPod? Cachet State or Duke? Cash, eh?
Visualization and iPods What do you do with an iPod? In the classroom?
Visualization and iPods iPod Courses Coordinated by CIT l Support instructional technology l Coordinate support for courses and faculty l Fund iPod initiatives l Coordinate assessment
Visualization and iPods CIT supports iPod Projects l Improving learning by providing portable access to course materials for reference and review l Supporting collaborative learning by facilitating storage and sharing of course-related materials among students and between students and instructors l Providing richer learning experiences through the integration of audio-based resources l Supporting undergraduate field research by providing a tool for recording interviews, sounds and verbal notes (an iPod recording module is required for this) Reducing the time needed for course management by simplifying the delivery of audio materials
Visualization and iPods Who are the iPod Faculty? l Lisa Huettel Assistant POP l Mike Gustafson Lecturing Fellow l Sally Schuman Adjunct Professor l Richard Lucic Associate POP l Michele Strano Lecturing Fellow l Lori Leachman Professor of the Practice l Lisa Merschel Visiting Assistant Prof.
Visualization and iPods Who are the iPod Faculty l Peter McIsaac Assistant Prof. German l Anthony Kelley Assistant Prof. Music l Kerry McCarthy Assistant Prof. Music l Robert Zimmerman Music
Visualization and iPods How are iPods used in Courses? l In Music and Language courses students listen to audio Audio is accessible via blackboard, generally Duke has a special iTunes store Pretty worthless in terms of content, but it’s a first step Possibility for different distribution mechanisms, e.g., podcasting l iPods useful as portable tape recorders Language classes Interviews and data-collection in the field
Visualization and iPods EGR 53, Prof. Mike Gustafson “Rather than spend any money buying signal generators, we could just use the free signal generators [i.e., the iPods] that Duke provides,” he said. Plus, he said, the music helps connect engineering principles to a familiar experience.” Students pick ten seconds of a favorite song, stored on their iPods... They adjust the rate at which the computer takes in samples of sound, break out individual frequencies, boost and lower frequency ranges and scramble pitch and beat.
Visualization and iPods EGR 53, Assessment l "The addition of an iPod gives me a great, common engineering marvel to explore while simultaneously teaching students computational methods as well as opening their eyes to some of the possible fields of study within engineering.", Mike Gustafson, Pratt Faculty l Evaluation To what extent do the hands-on lab activities enhance student understanding of important course concepts? Do these activities increase student motivation and interest?
Visualization and iPods Music 65, Prof. Anthony Kelley "They're going to hear Bach- style [music] the way they hear their own music," Kelley says about integrating the iPods into his course. "You sing along to the radio, why don't you sing along to Bach?” “I want you on the bus singing with your iPod,” Kelley told the class. “I want you over Thanksgiving with turkey in your mouth, singing with your iPod.”
Visualization and iPods Music 65, Evaluation l Evaluation Does access to portable course materials in a music course have a measurable impact on student interaction with materials, motivation, engagement, and/or vocal performance skills? l Data Collection Student logs, instructor logs, end of semester questionnaire, student work samples
Visualization and iPods ISIS 100, Prof. Richard Lucic In order to capture and carry forward class discussions begun by guest lecturers, Lucic records those classes with an iPod; then he posts the recordings on a class Web site for students to download and review on their computers or iPods. “I downloaded the lectures from the [class Web site] and I put them on my iPod,” he said. “One of them I listened to while I was at work at the Provost’s office. I was upstairs in the attic doing some filing and I got to just listen to the lecture and take some notes.”
Visualization and iPods ISIS 100, Evaluation l Evaluation To what extent does the integration of the iPod promote student innovation and application of course concepts? Do students make effective use of audio technology in their course presentations? l Data Collection Student logs, instructor logs, end of semester questionnaire, student work samples l Podcasting, model of future at Duke?
Visualization and iPods Assessing Learning l Impact of iPods in courses Does providing every student with an iPod fundamentally change teaching at Duke? What else could we do to change teaching? l Is a large hard drive that plays songs a fundamental shift in educational process? Even cynics will talk about it Any discussion about learning is useful?
Visualization and iPods Necessary for Success l Seamless integration of audio in courses Duke iTunes has to work Podcasting and other RSS feeds in place Text easy to create and integrate l Text and Video, what’s coming? Integrating text into iPod seamlessly iPod photo offers lots of opportunities Is there motion in the future?