Who Invented/Discovered It? A Chinese Man Named Tien-Lcheu Was Then Discovered In Egypt And Brought To The Western Part Of The World
When Was It Discovered? It was discovered around 2500 B.C.
Where Did This Discovery Happen? Discovered In Egypt & China
Why Is It So Important? Ancient Egyptians Discovered Papyrus, So Bones And Marvel Were Of No Use Anymore . Thus, Needing A New Writing Tool.
What Impact Did It Have? It Gave People More Free Time It Was A Huge Advance In Technology Everybody Had The Opportunity To Learn How To Write Mrs. Connelly: Are you starting to feel the “meh!”—like this student gave up on imagery? Missed opportunities to show ink on papyrus or the old way of needing to chisel.
How Was It Made? It Was A Mixture Of Water, Soot, And Vegetable Gums On A Wooden Pallet
How Has It Impacted Modern People? To This Day We Still Use Ink Printers Writing Utensils
Bibliography: "A Short History of Ink." Stinkyink Blog RSS. StinkyInk, 2001. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. <>. "Ancient Egypt Writing." , Paper and Ink, Egypt's Gift to the World., 2006. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. <> "Writing." Writing. The British Museum, 1999. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. <> Mrs. Connelly: take off hyperlinks so it’s no longer underlined in your bibliography.