Hot SAT Words Lessons 11-20
AMPLE Adj. abundant; plentiful; enough or more than enough
AMPLE Juice and a piece of toast is an AMPLE breakfast for me.
AMPLE BOTTOM + Inadequate chair = PRECARIOUS Position for the pup
COPIOUS Adj. Abundant; much; plentiful
COPIOUS The director explained the camp’s procedures in COPIOUS detail, far more than I needed or wanted to know.
LAVISH Adj. Abundant; In excess
LAVISH On the cruise we ate LAVISHLY, enjoying huge meals three times a day and snacks in between.
MYRIAD Adj. or n. countless; a very large number
MYRIAD Kenny failed the test by making MYRIAD mistakes in addition and subtraction.
PLETHORA N. Excess, abundance
PLETHORA Considering the PLETHORA of ways to get lost en route, it’s a marvel that you got here so soon.
PROFUSE Adj. Abundant; more than enough
PROFUSE Herman bled so PROFUSELY from the wound that he almost lost consciousness.
SUPERFLUOUS Adj. Overabundant; more than is needed; unnecessary
SUPERFLUOUS Most of what I brought along for the camping trip was SUPERFLUOUS; I didn’t need the majority of it.
SURFEIT n. an oversupply
SURFEIT A SURFEIT of donations made the drive to collect more money superfluous.