Rotherham Learning Portal Print Competition Tom Chipchase David Afflick
The Task So what is the Task, you ask? The task is to create a piece of digital artwork, that will decorate the walls in our new office. The artwork needs to be of a high quality so that can be blown up to a size A0!
What’s in it for you? The artist of any artwork we use in our office will win: An iPod Classic Automatic entry into the Roscars print category We will be using up to 4 pieces of artwork on our walls, so there are 4 iPods up for grabs!
About the team The artwork should represent but is not limited to the interests of the learning portal team. Animation X-men (Marvel related comics) Movies Transformers, Star Wars, Minority Report etc Manga Ghost in the Shell, Computers and new technology Robotics, Sports Vehicles Colours should be bright and vibrant where possible
Why? So why do we want digital art for our walls?
Restrictions As our office is open plan, the digital artwork will be seen by many people throughout the day so there are a few restrictions on the sort of content we cannot put on our walls: Violence Weapons etc Bad language
Deadline and Submissions Deadline: In order for winning submissions to be entered into the Roscars Competition all work must be submitted by Friday 24 th April 2009 Submissions Must be in digital format that is suitable for print Can be submitted online on the print pod website (more details of this will be announced on the website shortly) Or to your teacher
Further info & contacts If you have any queries about your submission, you can contact us on You can also download this presentation from