Senior Mooting ADVOCACY
What is Mooting? Mooting is simply a chance to get an insight into the operations and atmosphere of an appeals court session. You all will have done mooting in your first year, all the stress, hours of study, sleepless nights. Thank god the senior mooting comp is nothing like that, not nearly as much preparation is needed and sleepless nights aren’t required. With a week given to prepare for a case no one expects an in-depth response involving any and all precedents relevant to the issue. Senior mooting is more about testing and developing your ability to evaluate the key issues, establish some convincing key arguments and then being able to think on your feet when questioned by a judge.
Teams: Two teams consisting of THREE people
Before the Moot You will receive your moot problem the week before your moot. Swap memorandum of arguments 24hours before the moot. This is an outline of the agreed facts and the submissions your team will make. All cases that your team will use must be included in the MOA. A comprehensive example of this is handed out with the rules. This is to help the judge follow the case and better understand your arguments.
How to Tackle a Moot Problem Read and re-read the question Start reading and Researching Not all cases will work in your favour Keep and eye out for: Salient facts The ratio Dissenting arguments Majority/unanimous Relevant obiter and Binding/persuasive QUALITY OVER QUANTITY THIS GUY
Court Room Layout Judge/Judges Timekeeper Judge’s associates Respondent/DefendantAppellant/Plaintiff Speaker 3 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3Speaker 2
Court Etiquette Cheat sheet available in 2013 Competitions Guidebook Summary: STAND BOW USE FORMAL LANGUAGE Your Honour My learned friend…
The Court Room Process: Judge is announced Stand Bow before judge; sit Appellant appearances Respondent appearances Appellant submission; senior counsel Appellant submissions; junior counsel Respondent submissions; senior counsel Respondent submissions; junior counsel Questions from the Judge Appellant conclusion Respondent conclusion
HELP! What Do I Wear? Mooting is the PERFECT opportunity to SUIT UP! GIRLS: Slick it back BOYS: Leave your Mickey Mouse tie at home Jewellery = minimal and Footwear = enclosed Dress conservatively!
What do I Bring? Cases or case summaries Legal Dictionary Double Copies of EVERYTHING (submissions, cases, etc.) Rule book (if you want to)
How Do I Sign Up? Simply form your team Think of an awesome name (Daz and Kaz Associates is taken...SORRY) Go online and fill in the form, found on the Facebook event page OR see us after the meeting!
“Make me a Mooter” from a Mooting Marvel: