Reducing Obesity What makes us fat ?
Research - What makes us fat ? Is it.. 1.Genetic / culturalEast v West 2.What we eat & how much we eat 3.Lifestyle 4.Activity levels 5.Convenience food 6.Having a healthy routine for eating What is a healthy weight for your age ? Do you know how much you weigh ?
Government Issues Obesity is increasing and costing the NHS almost as much as smoking and drinking More people are claiming benefits and are unable to work because of the impact of obesity. The country is slowly catching up America as one of the most over weight countries in the world. Denmark & Australia has already imposed a fat tax.
Our “weighty” Issues Do you consider yourself fat ? Images and media cause us to be aware of our presentation and weight. Peer pressure from a young age affects how we look Television makes us conscious of our bodies: America’s Next Top Model Can we help it ?
The EXAM Question is If the government put extra tax on fatty food (called “The fat tax”) such as: Milk – blue top Cheese Butter Takeaways Snack; chocolate, crisps, fizzy drink – inc red bull Would it reduce obesity ? Why or why not ?