1 So You Want to Be an H2E Award Winner? Where do you start? Which award do you apply for? H2E Awards Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

1 So You Want to Be an H2E Award Winner? Where do you start? Which award do you apply for? H2E Awards Workshop

Objectives: What do I need to do to get an award? Forms and deadlines Tips and tricks

3 Before Applying….. You must sign up as a Partner or a Champion Can do this in conjunction with award application Partners must also fill out Assessment Summary, submit self-set goals for the year

4 Award Categories For Partners (hospitals) only: Partners Recognition Partners for Change Making Medicine Mercury Free Environmental Leaders For Champions (non-hospitals) only: Champions for Change

5 Which awards can I apply for? Each award has a specific set of criteria you should be achieving before you apply. Refer to each awards “Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria” by clicking on each award below for more information about that award. Also refer to the “H2E awards flow chart“ for a graphic description of the awards process. H2E Partner Recognition rewards facilities that have met their own H2E goals, but not necessarily the criteria of the other three awards. H2E Partner Recognition The H2E Partners for Change Award is an annual award that recognizes facilities that continuously improve and expand upon their mercury elimination, waste reduction and pollution prevention programs. At a minimum, facilities applying for this award should be recycling 10% of their solid waste, have begun mercury elimination programs with a plan in place for total elimination by 2005, and have started other innovative pollution prevention programs.H2E Partners for Change Award The Making Medicine Mercury Free Award recognizes facilities that have virtually eliminated mercury from their facilities and have made a commitment to continue to be “mercury free.”Making Medicine Mercury Free Award The H2E Environmental Leadership Award recognizes facilities that have not only met the criteria for the MMMF Award but also are leaders in pollution prevention and set a very high standard for environmental practices in health care.H2E Environmental Leadership Award

6 Which award to apply for?

7 Environmental Leaders Premier award Must meet or exceed criteria for Making Medicine Mercury Free Award Must achieved substantial solid waste reduction Must show leadership/innovation Only a hand-full is given out each year Can receive award each year Presented at AHA national meeting

8 MMMF Award Given to hospitals that have achieved substantial mercury reduction in their facility Complete self-certified list of mercury- elimination activities Award given to all eligible hospitals A one-time award Presented at local/regional venues, such as HOSPAA

9 Partners for Change Award Given to hospitals that have made strides in waste reduction & Hg reduction, but does not yet qualify for MMMF Complete application and any documentation Award given to a high number of hospitals Award can be received annually Award presented at ASHES annual conference

10 Partner Recognition Designed for hospitals that are new to program encouragement Hospitals must meet self-set goals for the year to receive award Given to all hospitals that fulfill criteria No ceremonies are planned for Partners receiving recognition

11 Champions for Change Award Designed to recognize Champions for helping to promote H2E Must describe and document their activities in promoting H2E Given to a select handful of Champions Award presented at AHA national meeting

12 H2E Award Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria Introduction The H2E Partners for Change Award is given annually to H2E Partner facilities that have initiated comprehensive waste minimization and pollution prevention programs in ways that are measurable, sustainable, and contribute to the goals of H2E. Applicants should have achieved environmental improvements in the many of the following areas: general waste and environmental management, solid waste reduction, recycling and reuse initiatives, regulated medical waste reduction (RMW), hazardous waste and persistent bioaccumulative and toxic (pbt) chemical minimization programs, mercury elimination, green purchasing practices, and facilities management.H2E encourages Partners that are making sustainable and steady progress in these programs to apply for this award every year. Guidelines You must be an H2E Partner to apply for an H2E Partners for Change Award. To become a Partner, please go to the Become a Partner Web page at the H2E website.Become a Partner Award application materials become the property of H2E - they will not be returned.Award application Incomplete or late award applications will not be considered for this award cycle. No supplemental materials will be allowed after January 31, 2003.award applications All award decisions will be made based on the merits of the information provided. Please include all supplemental materials with your application. Please limit your supplemental materials to no more than 15 pages. Under special circumstances you may include longer policies, and/or documents that are relevant to your application. In such circumstances, please contact the membership services coordinator at for more information.application H2E encourages short, precise and quantitative answers. We encourage you to submit sample policies, training programs and other information that could serve as a model for other Partners, and discourage non-specific information like, for example, electronic presentations and meeting minutes. Applications will be reviewed by an H2E Awards Committee composed of representatives from AHA, EPA, ANA and HCWH as well as other health care professionals and technical assistance providers.Applications

13 H2E Award Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria, cont. Evaluation Criteria Must have implemented a “Recycling, source Reduction, and/or Reuse” program whereby at least 10% of total waste has been recycled, reduced or reused. Must have a waste management plan that includes a waste reduction and pollution prevention policy. Must have a regulated medical waste reduction and management program in place. Must have a mercury elimination program in place. Must be in compliance with all pertinent OSHA and EPA regulations. Facilities that are in violation will not be considered. Must complete the 2002 H2E Annual Facility Assessment Summary and Goals Form. Submit the completed form with your 2003 application.H2E Annual Facility Assessment Summary and Goals Form2003 application Scoring - your facility must achieve a score of 80 points or better to be eligible for a Partners for Change Award. Please refer to the Application for scoring informationApplication

14 Annual Reporting

15 How often can I apply? Annual Awards H2E Recognition H2E Partners for Change Award H2E Environmental Leadership Award One Time Award Making Medicine Mercury Free Award

16 Waste Assessment Summary

17 Can I apply for more than one award? YES… but We discourage you from applying for all three awards in the same year. Each award is designed to recognize healthcare facilities at a different level of environmental achievement. Please refer to the award criteria for each award to determine which one best fit your facility’s accomplishment to date. You may apply for the Making Medicine Mercury Free Award along with the H2E Partners for Change Award but please provide complete application forms and materials for each award. The applications and the supporting materials are reviewed by different panels.Making Medicine Mercury Free AwardH2E Partners for Change Award If you are applying for the H2E Environmental Leadership Award, you also must meet the MMMF award criteria so you do not need to apply for both awards. Winners of the ELC Award get 2 award plaques.H2E Environmental Leadership Award

18 Can I be considered for an award that I did not apply for? Yes but under special circumstances. For instance, if you submitted an application for the H2E Environmental Leadership Award but did not necessarily meet all the criteria for that award, you still may be eligible for a H2E Partners for Change Award or a Making Medicine Mercury Free Award.H2E Environmental Leadership Award H2E Partners for Change Award Making Medicine Mercury Free Award If you applied for an H2E Partners for Change Award, but did not meet all the criteria for that award, you will be eligible for H2E Partner RecognitionH2E Partners for Change Award H2E Partner Recognition

19 More FAQs Can I apply for the Mercury Award if I have not met all of the criteria? No, applying for the award essentially assumes you have met all of the criteria. If you have not met the criteria, keep working on your program and apply when you’re there. What supporting materials should I include? Each award application must include the award cover sheet, the specific awards checklist and any supporting documentation to confirm the work. Also, we invite you to include examples of innovative work that can be shared with other facilities. Can I apply for a Partner Award as a health system? We encourage individual facilities to apply for awards separately. Can I apply for an award if I have RCRA, EPA, OSHA or other environmentally related violations? Please contact the H2E program if you’ve had past violations. Ongoing or current enforcement actions may preclude you from applying.the H2E program

20 Forms and Deadlines You can register as a Partner or Champion either in paper form or electronically at any time All other forms are available on the web, located at and must be submitted by mail Assessment Summary Forms Award Application Forms Applications are due by January 31, 2003

22 Forms and Deadlines, cont. Award Schedule December 1, January 31, 2003Accepting applications. Applications must be received by January 31, 2003 to be reviewed. March 15, Award decision announced. April 2003Environmental Leadership Award ceremony at the AHA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Summer 2003Making Medicine Mercury Free Awards ceremonies and regional recognition ceremonies at locations across the United States. August 2003 – Champions Awards ceremony at the AHRMM Annual Meeting September 2003Partner for Change Awards ceremony at the ASHES Annual Meeting

23 Tips and Tricks We expect lots of applications Keep your applications short and concise Do not send copies of s Do send synopsis of work done You may apply for more than one award each year Each award has different requirements Submit a separate application for each award Start early! And get your applications in on time!

H2E Program Contacts Toll Free Hotline: LAURA BRANNEN, HCWH (603) CHEN WEN EPA (202)