Nigerian Students & Potential Nobel Prize StatiSense ® - Wale Micaiah ©
In this study, we take a look at Career choices among Nigerian Students and the possibility of having another Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka Nigeria only Nobel Prize Winner (Literature – 1986)
About the Nobel Prizes Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and for Peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Each prize consists of a medal, personal diploma, and a cash award.
A definite pointer to the possibility of an individual winning the Nobel prize in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Economics Sciences is their course of Study whose data can be inferred from the UTME 2011 and 2012 applicants’ choice of careers. Statistics of applicants who made Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Economics as their first choice would be analyzed, to see if there exist any pattern and possibility of Nigeria having another Nobel Laureate in any of the above fields.
Applicants’ Career Choices in UTME 2011
Applicants’ Career Choices in UTME 2012
Applicants’ Career Choices in UTME 2011 & 2012
From the Data, it can be deduced that: There is a growing interest in CLEMP Medicine/Physiology & Economics are the two most sought after among CLEMP Medicine/Physiology had the least growth rate of 1.25% between 2011 and 2012 There seem to be a huge interest in Physics as it experienced a % growth rate between 2011 and 2012 It is also good to know that less than 5% of Medicine/Physiology applicants are likely to be admitted as the Universities have limited carrying capacity CLEMP – Chemistry, Literature, Economics, Medicine & Physics
The only Nigerian Nobel Prize winner is Professor Wole Soyinka, which he won in years after no Nigerian has come close to wining any of CLEMP, even Peace, for obvious reasons that our institutions are far below their counterparts in other parts of the world as well as poor funding of Education by the Government. Beside Nigeria, other countries in Africa with Nobel Prize winners are Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria and South Africa.
Africa Countries & Nobel Prize CountryChemistryLiteraturePeace Physiology/ Medicine Grand Total Award Year South Africa , 2002, 1993, 1993, 1991, 1984, 1979, 1960, 1951 Egypt , 1999, 1988, 1978 Ghana Kenya Liberia222011, 2011 Nigeria Grand Total No African country has won the Prize in Economics & Physics Except Nigeria, others have won in Peace Peace prize represents about 56% of the total awards Wole Soyinka won for Literature (1986), the first in Africa Japan has won more Prizes than the Africa continent The US alone has over 330 Nobel Prize winners
Definitely, Nigeria and Nigerians can dream…of someday producing some Nobel Laureate prize winners in Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Medicine/Physiology, Literature and Peace It is like a Dream, may be I will wake up to find out is true!
Freely share, freely use and freely acknowledge the source – © Wale Micaiah Data source: -JAMB application 2011, Wikipedia - Analysis by: Wale Micaiah e: m: b: f: Wale Micaiah w.