APRA - Summer 2011 America’s Prospecting Problems Getting there How to present Ideal Prospect Suggestions Case Studies
America’s Prospecting Problems Time: How to prioritise? What is going to yield the most for your organisation Qualifying leads: Prospects not contacted or research not followed up Movement: More prospects identified then are moved through the pipeline Feedback: What happens to my research? Following research through to the gift
What to consider..
Ideal Prospect If they don’t fall into your organisations IDEAL then they can be left Fundraisers don’t want more prospects they want better – quality not quantity Most fundraisers do best with fewer names For the amazing prospects go a step further and write cultivation notes Must have contact details and job description
Suggestions Movement: Regular reviews with fundraisers portfolios
Case Study: Brown University Campaign Increased the size of the major gift pool by 240%. More than 20% of newly discovered prospects had never before made a gift to Brown prior to the campaign Brown’s fundraisers have been able to turn more than half (60%) of the non-donors into donors. Solicitation ask amounts increased by 317% due to greater confidence in target gift range and rating quality 68% of prospects were upgraded. These prospects have increased their average annual giving to the University eight-fold, making $400M
Case Study: Christian Aid – Since coming back from APRA Time: A focus on upgrading current donors and have a agreed a number of prospects to hand over every month Qualifying Leads: Quarterly fundraiser portfolio reviews Movement: A focus on prospects that are ‘stuck’ at a stage for six months or more Feedback: Follow up plans and meetings after prospecting projects