The Nuts & Bolts of 4-H Presentations Everything you need to know and then some!
4-H Presentations
Types of Speeches Commemorative Persuasive Informational Entertaining
School 4-H Projects Hobbies Title TOPIC Career Interest Peers Media 1 st Things First
Selecting & Developing A Topic Select your project: Safety Choose your specific topic: Seat Belts Decide on your purpose: to convince the audience of the need to use seat belts, how seat belts save lives - persuade audience to use seat belts Exercise in Selecting and Expanding Your Topic 4-H Project General Topic Area Specific AreasBreakdown of One Area Fire InsuranceDemonstrate with dummies CampingAlcohol & DrugsTypes of injuries they prevent ChildrenSeat belt laws Lawn MowerKinds of seat belts Changing tiresHow they operate Safety features PoisonsAir bags AnimalsSafe driving skills Highway laws Auto 1 st Aid Kits Automobile Safety Seat Belts
Basic Organization Introduction –Attention Getter –Who are you and why are you here? –What are you going to share with us today? Body –What are you going to talk about... So what! Why is that information important to me? Summary & Conclusion –Re-tell your information and sum it up! –Make and ending statement – connect this to your attention getter. – Ask if there are any questions
Elements of Public Speaking Eye Contact Gestures Language Posture Voice dynamics/articulation Appearance Visual aids Handling questions Handling distractions
Visuals Visibility: easy to read Simplicity: message is easy to understand Interest: attracts & hold attention Useful: words, lettering, pictures are suitable for audience Structure: ideas a grouped in sequential order Information: is factual, reliable and is current
Slides/Interactive Screen Posters PowerPoint Visuals Used Today Include
Rules & Regulations Rules AREN’T Made to be broken
General Rules Age eligibility is established on January 1st of the current year. To participate in a Presentation competition, the youth must be nine years of age prior to January 1st of the current year and not have had his/her 19th birthday before January 1st of the current year. Divisions are 9-10, 11-13, and Cloverbuds/Primary Youth (ages 5 to 8) can participate in their club and county activity day through “Danish Competition” regulations.
General Rules Presentations are recommended to be between 5 to 12 minutes in length. Note: Category Exceptions! Each county may enter two presentations per age division category. 4-H members may compete in no more than one presentation program per year at the district and state levels. "4-H Entertains" is not considered a presentation program. Each county is limited to two (2) "4-H Entertains" Acts at their DAD. Not a competition – a Showcase of Talent
General Rules ONLY the 9-10 district “GOLD medal winners are eligible to participate in the state competition & level district Silver medal winners (runners- up’s) are eligible to participate in the state competition. –There will be no scholarship available for runners-up’s to attend Congress unless the district winner decides not to participate. 4-H members may continue to compete in a particular presentation category until declared state GOLD Medal winner in that age division. –A GOLD medal presentation may not be presented again.
General Rules In all levels of the the Competitive Presentation program - a team is composed of only two individuals. If the team giving a presentation is composed of individual's in two different age divisions (9-10, 11-13, ), the team must compete in the older youths age division.
General Rules No live animals / insects may be used in any presentation. No real OR play handguns/ firearms / Weapons are allowed to be used during presentations. –NCGS Class 1 Felony School Suspension No swords, knifes, bows & arrows, etc.
General Rules Food Categories 9-10 & Presenters in Breads, Dairy Foods, Fruit & Vegetable Use, and Peanut Foods will be asked to demonstrate a mastery of preparation steps. Note: each category has basic ingredient requirements Presenters are not required to prepare a dish. Depth of knowledge is stressed.
General Rules Only youth 15-years or older are eligible to attend the National Junior Horticulture Association Contest. –Egg Cookery –Peanut Foods –Fruits & Vegetables –Twigs (Artistic Arrangement) –PlanIt! Green (Horticulture Production & Marketing) –Ground Breakers & Inside Dirt (Landscaping)
General Rules The same presentation may be repeated from one year to the next; however, the individual's personal development will be much greater if the presentation is revised and improved. A County Winner ribbon is given to each participant. A ribbon, medal and certificate are awarded to the Gold district winner. Silver & Bronze winner do not receive a certificates. One presentation in each category age division will be designated as the district winner and will be eligible to compete on the state level.
General Rules Open Class: Only presentations that do not fit into any other subject-matter category are allowed in this area. Presentation Setup: The speaker is responsible for setting up all equipment for the presentation. Interruptions: The judges will determine if the participant should begin where they left off or start anew. Note cards: The speaker is allowed to use note cards but they should be used as a tool for referencing material (the speaker should not read directly from their cards). –The speaker should keep their note cards to a minimum.
General Rules Questions: –Only “Judges” are allowed to ask participants questions. (Questions are not allowed in the Public Speaking category). –Youth may opt to repeat the question, paraphrase the question or include the question in their answer but this is NOT a requirement. –You have given an acceptable response when you admit you are unable to answer the question.
H Presentation Categories Something for Everyone...
2007 Presentation Categories
The Judging Process “Making the Best Better”
Mitzi Downing, Ed.D.