Sector Processor – to – Muon Sorter tests M.Matveev Rice University January 8, 2004
Muon Sorter Status Four boards have been built and assembled in 2003 Have only one mezzanine FPGA (Virtex XC2V4000) in hand
SP-to-MS Test Goals of the test Verify integrity of data transmission from SP to MS Verify “winner” feedback path Check SP-to-MS-to-GMT latency LVTTL- to- GTLP GTLP- to- LVTTL VME Sector ProcessorMuon SorterBackplane GTLP- to- LVTTL LVTTL- to- GTLP Data FIFO 4 muons Sorter VME Data FIFO 3 muons Winner FIFO 2 bits FPGA 32 bits 80 Mhz 2 bits 80 Mhz
Clocking Scheme LVTTL-to-GTLP SN74GTLPH16912 GTLP-to-LVTTL SN74GTLPH16945 Sector ProcessorMuon Sorter Track Finder Backplane GTLP-to-LVTTL SN74GTLPH16912 LVTTL-to-GTLP SN74GTLPH16912 FPGA 32 data 80 Mhz 2 winner 80 Mhz Pt LUT 80Mhz FF Adjustable 80Mhz FF 40Mhz from CCB FF Adjust 80Mhz FF 80Mhz Adjustable 80Mhz clock Output from Virtex-2 Digital Clock Manager (DCM) Fine phase adjustments with a resolution of ~100 ps (MS) Can be done dynamically from VME
MS mezzanine FPGA
CCB Modification We have built a small patch board with Mhz VCXO oscillator that allows to test SP with MS without TTC system or hardware changes (replace oscillator) on CCB board
Testing Software Load 254 patterns (2 frames each) representing 1, 2 or 3 muons into Sector Processor FIFO over VME Load fine phase adjustments for SP and MS clocks Send testing patterns out of SP FIFO at 80Mhz on CCB command Read MS FIFO buffers over VME and compare against expected results Read “winner” FIFO from SP over VME and compare against expected results
GTLP Backplane Signals 1.5V 1.0V 0.5V 0V Typical 25 ns GTLP signal Vref_transmitter = 1.0V GTLP Bit_2 from SP to MS Vref_transmitter_1 (SP) is floating GTLP Bit_29 from SP to MS Vref_transmitter_2 (SP) is floating
Hardware problems discovered Sector Processor Vref pins of GTLP transmitters shouldn’t be floating (were connected to 1.0V) SP doesn’t have GTLP terminators for both “winner” lines (were added) Backplane MS_config_done signal was routed to MPC_reserved[0] line (both are outputs!) on the backplane
Test Results No data errors after 275K test iterations (BER < 2.5x ) No winner errors after 275K test iterations (BER < 4x10 -9 ) Have checked the SP on all slots (except 11 and 21). Did not find any issues related to mezzanine FPGA.
Safe Window for Data Latching ~10 ns for 2 winner bits (SP) ~8 ns for 32-bit random patterns (MS) ~6.5 ns for specific 32-bit patterns (1 st frame = f0f0f0f0, 2 nd frame = 0f0f0f0f). The reason is that the mean propagation delays of GTLP transceivers (low-to-high and high-to-low) are changing with number of switching outputs. See Fairchild AN-5002.
Latency (LVTTL-GTLP-LVTTL + backplane) 9 ns MS SP1
FPGA Latency 150 ns FPGA Input FPGA Output
Latency LVTTL-LVDS-LVTTL + 1 m SCSI cable 11 ns MS Output “GMT” Input
Future Plans More sophisticated tests at Rice (sorting logic, timing). Need another Sector Processor Prepare the second MS for tests at UF (need another mezzanine FPGA)