Click here! And here! Click here last to start. Main screenMain screen
Click the grey buttons whenever you see them. Click to go back Instructions 1
Explore the house! Click to go back I n s tr u c ti o n s 2
It’s really dark in here… Main maze 1
The door is locked… Main maze 1 door locked 1
The door is locked… Main maze 1 door locked 2
Restart The door is locked… M ai n m az e 1 do or lo ck ed 3
The door is locked… Main maze 1 door locked 4
Restart The door locked behind you… Main maze 1 front door locked
You just ran into A WALL! GREAT JOB! Restart Main maze 1 hitting wall
I’M DONE Hey look, a key in a maze. I wonder what you’re supposed to do here? Si d e m a z e 1
YOU just ran into a wall! GREAT JOB Side maze 1 hit wall1Side maze 1 hit wall1
Si d e m a z e tw o
Red passage explanationRed passage explanation These passages open when you get a key. Strange, isn’t it? This will happen more often in my other games. …. You never heard anything about that. Ever. Now get out.
YOU just ran into a wall! GREAT JOB Side maze 2 hit wall
Mai n ma ze 2 bef ore blo ck
The door is locked… Mai n ma ze two first doo r loc ked
Restart The door is locked… Main maze 2 doorlocked 2Main maze 2 doorlocked 2
Main maz e 2 third door lock ed
Side maze 3Side maze 3 What’re you doing back in here?
Si de ma ze 3 hit wa ll 1 You aren’t even supposed to be in here! How did you hit the wall?
Side maze 3 hit wall 2 +cookie Here, have a cookie. Now get out.
Main maze 2 before block hit wall You just hit a wall. With your face.
M ain m az e 2 aft er blo ck hit wa ll You have just hit a wall. With your face. Again. Click that.
Mai n ma ze 2 aft er blo ck The door was blocked!
Wall block explanationWall block explanation Hm. A wall just came out of the wall to block the door. Click that small box to continue.
Winne r 1: goes to main maze 2 Well, you escaped the house, and found this: But you didn’t finish exploring. Click to restart! Click to go back! Click to exit.
W i n n e r: M a i n m a z e 2 E xi t c o n fi r m a ti o n HANG ON! This will exit the game. You will NOT be able to get back here unless you replay the whole game. Are you SURE? Yes! WAIT NO
W in n e r: m a z e 2 r e st a rt c o nf ir m at io n. HANG ON! This will completely restart the game. You will NOT be able to get back here unless you replay everything you just did. Are you SURE? Yes! WAIT NO
Sa fe pu zzl e st art Hey! A puzzle! This is so much better than all those mazes! Click here ONCE to start.
Sa fe pu zzl e co rre ct 1
Sa fe pu zzl e inc orr ec t 1
Sa fe pu zzl e co rre ct 2
Sa fe pu zzl e inc orr ec t 2
Sa fe pu zzl e FA IL! Hm, that did absolutely nothing. Head back
Safe puzzle SUCC ESS Hey, you unlocked it! AND THERE ARE COOKIES IN HERE! (And less importantly, a key for the next room.) Click that to continue!
Mai n ma ze 3 bef ore blo ck
Winne r 1: goes to main maze 3 Well, you escaped the house, and found this: But you didn’t finish exploring. Click to restart! Click to go back! Click to exit.
Winner main maze 3 exit confirmationWinner main maze 3 exit confirmation HANG ON! This will completely exit the game. You will NOT be able to get back here unless you replay the WHOLE game again. Are you SURE? Yes! WAIT NO
Winner main maze 3 restart confirmation.Winner main maze 3 restart confirmation. HANG ON! This will completely restart the game. You will not be able to get back here unless you replay the whole game again. Are you SURE? Yes! WAIT NO
Restart The door is locked… M ai n m az e 3 do or lo ck ed 1
The door is locked… Main maze 3 door locked 2
Main maz e 3 befor e bloc k hit wall You must’ve been so excited about solving the puzzle that you just ran out and STRAIGHT into that wall there. Great job.
M ai n m a z e 3 a ft e r bl o c k The door was blocked!
Main maze three after block hit wallMain maze three after block hit wall Well, you hit a wall again. AGAIN. How many times have you hit the wall? STOP HITTING THE WALLS! Click to go back.
Ghost puzzle 1 … Ok, I have no idea what this thing is, but we need that key. Try clicking it when he stops?
Ghost‘attack’Ghost‘attack’ He might be angry with us. He was definitely angry with us. Onward!
M ai n m a z e 4 b e f o r e bl o c k
GhostemptyroomGhostemptyroom Click to go back. The room is empty. Why did you come back in? Get out! Oh, you found a cookie. Good job.
M ai n m a z e 4 a ft e r bl o c k Great. The door was blocked again. Hm, this one was blocked too.
You’re scared of the ghost in there, aren’t you? That’s probably why you ran out of the door so fast that you slammed into the wall. M a i n m a z e 4 b e f o r e b l o c k h it w a ll
Main room 4 after block hit wall
Winne r 1: goes to main maze 4 Well, you escaped the house, and found this: But you didn’t finish exploring. Click to restart! Click to go back! Click to exit.
Wi nn er ma in ma ze 4 exi t co nfir ma tio n HANG ON! This will completely exit the game. You will not be able to get back here unless you replay the whole thing again. Are you SURE? Yes! WAIT NO
Winner main maze 4 restart confirmation.Winner main maze 4 restart confirmation. HANG ON! This will completely restart the game. You will not be able to get back here unless you play the whole game again. Are you SURE? Yes! WAIT NO
Ladder‘puzzle’Ladder‘puzzle’ Hm. This seems simple enough. Climb the ladder!
Ladder helpLadder help
Nice tryNice try So, you thought you could just go and fly your mouse up to the key without using the ladder? Nice try, but that doesn’t work here. Retry
Small er ladder fall You just fell off of the ladder. Great job! How about you try grabbing the key now!
L a d d e r F A L L ( F a ll. N o t f a il. )
FALLINGFALLING Hm. I wonder if that was a trap, or if you are just clumsy. Whatever it was, we’re now falling down a hole. ……………..… At least you got the key. (Click here)
EndingEnding WHAT?!
Ending continuedEnding continued … First part?
Ending continued againEnding continued again (This game was taking WAY too long to make, so I’m making it in two parts. You just beat the first one.) Oh.
Ending continues again again.Ending continues again again. And, because this sort of counts as a secret ending, you get this: Exit Restart (But did you find all of the cookies? You have to explore rooms that you have already gone in. Going to the exit many times doesn’t count. There are nine cookies in total.)
Ending ending confirmationEnding ending confirmation Are you sure you want to exit? Yes! WAIT NO
Ending restart confirmationEnding restart confirmation Are you sure you want to restart? Yes! WAIT NO