Safe Racer Everything You Need to Know !
Safe Racer is……… A two week curriculum unit For ALL third grade students, including GT students The third grade component of the BCPS County STEM Fair
Safe Racer is……… An engineering competition for students in 3 rd grade Since its beginning the competition has increased from 17 schools to 95 This is an opportunity for our 3 rd graders to brainstorm and then build a racer to compete against their classmates
Design & Technology Constructivist approach Based on problem solving Includes model building Cooperative learning Provides for creativity of all individuals
Safe Racer Red Flags
Safe Racer is not……… an optional unit for GT students only. STEM Fair Teams……. Must meet the construction requirements for a March 20 th competition date
Designand Construction Car –Use wheels and axles provided –Must use recyclable materials –Must have an open top –Body = 4 inches or less in width 9 inches or less in length 12 ounces or less in weight –Team logo clearly displayed
Design and Construction (cont’d) Safety Equipment –May include seat belt, helmet, air bag, roll bar –Eggbert’s face must not be covered and must be able to “see the road” –Eggbert must be able to be removed by judges to examine for injury
Video Of Competition Crash Test Distance Test
Testing Test your car using the ramp multiple times –Did your egg stay in your car? –Did your egg crack? –Did your car go a long distance? –Can you improve the distance your car traveled? Ramp will be 6 feet long and at a 30 degree angle
Safe Racer Groups of 4 from all 4 classes. Important Dates: On March 27 th, 28 th, and April 1 st students will be completing the construction of their Safe Racers in school. On April 4 th, the Baltimore Highlands Elementary competition will be held to determine a winning team based on results from a distance and crash test!
Safe Racer At the end of the Safe Racer Unit, there is a school-based competition to determine the school’s “safest” racer using results from a crash test and a distance test. Once the winning team has been determined, the school may decide to send their winning team to the STEM Fair, where students will compete against other 3 rd grade teams from all over Baltimore County!
Safe Racer Dates Competition Dates: (tentative) Saturday, May 10 Southwest: 9:30 AM
The STEM Fair Competition All student team members will receive a certificate and a ribbon for their participation. All students are encouraged to attend. However, sometimes situations cause students to miss the exhibition. The scores from the winners from each geographic area will be compared to find the overall Grand Prize winner. This will be announced at the STEM Fair Awards Ceremony and the trophy will be presented to the winning team.
GOOD LUCK!!!! Any questions please send a note in with your student or their teachers or myself at :